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About Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net
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About Us

Cecil Lee


1. Today, Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research is a world class professional geomancy center with an international clientele and a large following.

International Feng Shui Master Cecil Lee, Founder

2. What others say about us

As much as we see, Geomancy.net has great web presence built up over the years and is seen as one of the SG market leaders in residential house audit. Learn more:


Need Help? WHATSAPPx.gif.933b1f171b62310142ae17b5501fc685.gif Cecil Lee:+65 9785-3171  / Robert Lee: +65 9835-5734 / support@geomancy.net


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  • Staff

More about International Feng Shui Master Cecil Lee: Shhh...his MBA academic transcript holds a dark secret..at Paragraph 11 (below)



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  • Staff

Can you give me ONE (1) good reason not to buy commercial products sold in the name of Feng Shui?




We could have made millions. But this is considered cheating!

Ask: "Must I buy from YOU?"

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  • Staff

Case Study: Geomancy.net is the world's oldest Feng Shui forum and can be verified through the WayBackMachine @ www.wayback.com


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