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Cecil Lee

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Everything posted by Cecil Lee

  1. Dear Anon, It is ok for you to thrim the bushes in front of your main door as you are not `disturbing' the earth i.e. unless you are digging the earth at the east location. If you dig the earth, Symbolically place a metal object between the main door area. For example you can use a metallic foodtray or even a shovel on the wall. Metal will be able to shield the house and the trimming. It is best not to let the bushes overgrow as this would bring a different set of inauspicous qi especially since it is at the main entrance. Therefore, trimming does not distrub the earth. If there is a major digging going on in the East, the best metal to use is to place a car/vehicle between the digging and the house. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  2. One reason is So long as having a furniture or a table at the location is acceptable. However, in my honest opinion, it is best not to place e.g. a decorative piece such a porcelain vase etc... where possible leave this location blank' of any objects that may sway the `neutral' balance to any of the elements. For example, best also not to place a PC or TV set directly at the middle point. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  3. 1. A few days ago, I visited a new housing development and was found many of the housing units with the toilet at the centre of the house. 2. Although the shape of the house is considered `good' i.e. rectangle/squarish in shape, but a toilet at the centre of the house implies that finances are drained. 3. Generally if one is buying a new house, try to avoid a layout plan with the toilet in the centre. As this is considered a major "leak" (wealth and health). 4. Fortunately, often it takes three or more major leaks to cause problems especially to the breadwinner and the household. 5. In additional, hopefully the Flying Star Feng Shui of the unit is equally not poor.
  4. Designer's Layout plan showing inauspicious layout of beds (Master bedroom, bedroom 1 and bedroom 2) against the window. Revised plan with each of the beds against a solid wall. P.S. The TV sets were not shown in the bedrooms under the (second) Revised layout plan. Personally, it is still acceptable to have the TV sets in the room. This is part of `modern' living. Note: 1. This so far does not take into consideration the compass school of Feng Shui. 2. Look out for the placement of the bed on the opposite/next to wall of the toilet bowl. This is considered very inauspcious. For example, take a look at the master bedroom. You will see that the toilet bowl shares the same wall as one of the master bedroom's wall. Where possible avoid placing the bed head rest against it. 3. When applying the Eight House theory, do remember to take into consideration: a. It is more important to consider the placement of the bed i.e. against a solid wall. 2. This takes precedence over sleeping with the head facing a good direction.
  5. Dear Debra, Sorry for the delay in reply. This is due to the several FS audits that I had conducted. For a mobile home, because of its relatively small size, it is difficult to apply FS mentioned for larger units or buidlings such as the Flying Star theory etc.. Although the Eight House can still be applied, again, we have to be realistic and it is difficult to apply it. What you can apply is:- 1. Shapes and Form in relation to where your mobile home is parked. Some of the Shapes and Form School is if u notice also based on `commonsense' approach. For example, it should be placed at a lighted location and where possible the location should be a solid ground. Ideally, you have the `moutain' behind u and a clear space at the frontage of the mobile home. (If this is possible). 2. In the day, the mobile home should have Yang influence e.g. bright. At night, have more yin influence to make it cosy. 3. It also depends on the nature of your work. If you work late throught the nite, then, the mobile home should be abit more Yang e.g. use light to brighten the place. If you are relaxing, have dimmer lights. Other then using the Shapes and Form plus Yin and Yang concept, there is really not much else you can really do for the mobile home. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  6. Dear Anon, I do not see a problem having a baby in an inauspicious year because, in general, the report is based on the entire year's influence. Here, you will notice that analysis can go further into each month even days and hours. Not all months or days in that year are considered inauspicious to you. It is only a general analysis. Personally, I feel that it is rather not to plan such events. Let nature take it's course. There are many couple who had approached me or many FS consultants to choose dates for the birth of their child. You can consider this `playing' with nature. For one, many a times, if it is a natural birth, it is seldom or rare to find that the date chosen coincides with the birth of the child! What is more important is to check the Ba Zi after the birth and if one is a Chinese, see if there are any elements that are missing. For example, I mentioned previously that when my elder brother was born, my grandfather consulted a Geomancer and found that he lacked `water' element. Water was added to my brother's last name to "compensate' for it. As for me, I was found not to lack any element and my last name has name with the sigificance of `neutral' or centre or nothing `missing'. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  7. Dear Anon, Frankly, the only acceptable cure is to replace the tomb shaped head board. (Unless, one can change it ourselves e.g. cut it into another `shape'. It is best to have a head board for the bed but this is not necessary provided, the "head" of the bed rests against a solid wall. Here, it should be a full wall towards the ceiling rather than placing the bed against a window. On another topic, last few days, I went to a few sites of new housing development. I will share with everyone, the various layout plans that I got and review some of them this week. This is to apologise for the slight absence for the last few days. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  8. Dear Anon, 1. It is good to understand the concept behind the kitchen. In traditional Feng Shui, the kitchen plays an important part because this is a location where we are suppose to prepare our food. The main principle behind it is that we must try to keep our food warm. Thus the kitchen is suppose to keep us "warm". 2. With this understanding, we can also go further to say that the kitchen usually has both water element and fire element. 3. As water element and fire element are opposities e.g. Yin and Yang, it is best not to place the two together close-by. 4. In your situation, what is more important is the location of your kitchen. Ideally, as what you have mentioned, if your kitchen is in the Fire location e.g. South, it will easily be able to retain the heat or warmth even if it faces the living room. Here, the stove can `cool down' 5. Contrast this with the stove at the North location which is the location of Water element. Here, the stove is at a location where water is the main element and it would not be good to have the stove face e.g. the living room where it is further `cooled' down as it is open space. Here, the fire can further be extinguished. The concept can also in general apply to the stove is facing the north or south location. 6. A much `worse' effect is to have the stove face the main door as this implies the warmth goes out of the door. (Especially if it is the North point). 7. Concerning the knobs for the stove, it should not face the main door according to traditional Feng Shui. The knobs ideally should face the sky or face inwards into the house. In `modern' Feng Shui, more important considerations is to ensure that the Shapes and Form of the external and the interior conform to good FS guidelines and others include the house match your Ba Zhi and even the Flying Star chart of the house are acceptable. Warmest Regards, Cecil On 10/3/99 1:27:34 AM atrs, Anonymous wrote:
  9. Dear Anon, In general, there are basically `two' screen "formats". The purpose would depend on whether one is `inviting' beneficial Qi into the house or to `screen' away sha qi such as facing a toilet door. 1. If it is to screen from a toilet door, it must cover the height of the toilet door. 2. It is to be `air tight' e.g. no holes or ventilation planes. 3. It should go down towards the floor. If a screen is used for beneficical purposes e.g. to let the qi gently flow into the house: 1. It need not be `air tight'. 2. It need not be all the way up to the ceiling or up to a specific height. It can be of `low' height is acceptable. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  10. Dear Anon, Before, I go into the question, just to let you know that you do need to post a few messages in the forum. As this forum is moderated to ensure 100 percent `flame free', your message will appear on the forum once it is reviewed. The rationale is because at the last count there are at least 7,000 users listening in to the forum and we cannot afford to have a inconsiderate flamer or spammer on this forum. To answer your question: 1. Under the Eight House Theory, if the deathline falls on the main entrance door, this is considered the most " unsuitable " house for the `breadwinner'. 2. Other considerations under the Eight House Theory is that under condition 1, lets hope that the disaster intangible force does not fall under the `breadwinner's' bedroom location. It is equally inauspicious to have the Irritation or 5 Ghosts sector falling at the bedroom but this is of lesser impact. Anyway, this is done generally using only the Eight House Theory. If the death or disaster line falls on the main entrance door, it is best to use other Feng Shui tools to analyse further into the situation. Tools such as Flying Star and the most recent that will be launched soon... Ba Zhi Feng Shui. 3. To clarify on finding the direction of the main entrance door: One should not stand at the door and look out to take directions. But instead, to find the centrepoint of the house. At the centrepoint, look at the compass direction. From here, locate the direction of the main entrance door. I have provided several examples of how to find the main entrance door direction. One link is at http://www.geomancy.net/fs/house1.htm Hope the above helps. Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  11. Dear Shannon, To clarify, when you mentioned that the house-like building is spilt into 4 apartments, do mean that the `centrepoint' is where the entry and exit to the four apartments? Usually, when you do a FS audit, you should do it floor by foor. If your main entrance is located at the 2nd floor than determine where the main entrance door is. One can also divide each of the four apartments into separate units. For example, an " L " shaped house can be divided into two squares/rectangle and from here, do an audit for each square/rect. Warmest Regards Cecil
  12. Dear Anon, Sounds like the location you referred to is `Siglap'. Usually, with modernisation, most of these locations are acceptable. 1. Usually, for a home located on a gravesite, so long as all the graves are dugged up, this is acceptable. Many homes in Singapore have been built on `reclaimed land' for burial. 2. The Yin Qi will usually `wear' off as it is inhibited by people Yang energy. What is more important at this point is to make sure that the house conforms to the Shapes and form School. For example, try to make sure that the house do not have missing corners. It is situated such that the water position if any is not at the back of the home. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  13. Dear Bek, If the beams are made of wood, the next best alternative is to use `metal' element to `destroy' or `neutralise' the wooden beam. The best in such for a situation is to:- 1. use 6 coins tied together and hang on each beam. Alternatively, you can use silver foil e.g. as those used for cooking. In such a situation, use circular pieces x 6 pieces or cut them into stars x 6 pieces and place it on the beam. 2. the next best method is to hang two bamboo flutes on the beam. If this is not practical, then go for alternative 1. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  14. Dear Ber, Please see below:- This is a `difficult' question to answer because there are many different ways to work towards improving one's luck. For a better understanding of luck, we have to look at the basic but popular Chinese saying: Chinese regard Destiny as No. 1, Feng Shui second and luck (third) in importance. Here, you will notice that Destiny refers to our Heaven's Luck. Luck that is supposely `given' to us when we are born. Feng Shui is based on Earth luck. and the third point: Luck is simply luck. What we are trying to do here is to use powerful tools: 1. Pillars of Destiny to map out our Heaven's Luck. By doing so, we can than better understand our Heaven Luck and hopefully try to `manipulate' or change some of it. It is said that we can change around 60 percent of such luck. This type of luck is also `governed' by the type of education we have, our surroundings eg. parents that brought us up etc... Here it would account for why two persons who were born at the same time, but have had difference influence such as upbringing, the education received etc... 2. Feng Shui helps to map out our Earth Luck. From the above, you can see that we can try to enhance our Heaven and Earth luck. The third is simply `luck'. If we can enhance Para 1 and 2, it would give us an added boost to our `luck'. This is based on numerology. We will be looking at the above under another `different' School and this will be shared with users here. (At a later date). Warmest Regards, Cecil
  15. Dear Cindy, Please see below:- It is hard to figure out how to `block' this poision arrow since it looks like an "inmovable object" pointing towards your bed. Try to figure a way to block the poison arrow. I am unable to provide a remedy as it has to be `physically' neutralised (as opposed to symbolic neutralising it). The concept is that if you cannot `see it' from the position it cuts, it no longer becomes a threat. You can go to http://www.geomancy-online.com and use the Free Basic Pillars of Destiny Report to generate and find out your true element. As mentioned above, you can use the Free Basic Pillars of Destiny Report; key in your birth particulars and generate the report immediately. 1. Ba Gua with a convex mirror at the centre: This is usually used to deflect poison arrows. 2. Ba Gua with concave mirror at the centre: This is used at an auspicious location: supposely to `absorb' good Qi. 3. Ba Gua mirror with the Twin Door Gods (If you log-in to the forum, go to conference: Photo Tours of Interest, there is a recent message that shows what this type of mirror looks like). Some use this to `ward off evil'. In the West, the Ba Gua mirror is less used firstly because it is less easily obtainable e.g. other than to order from a Feng Shui emporium or buying from the internet. If you bring the dragon into the home, try to make sure that it is facing the door directly. Alternatively, can it be `turned' towards facing the main entrance gate? It is not advisable to let the dragon face the large tree. This is because the a large tree is considered of the Yin element and the dragon is a Yang element. It would create a clash of Yin and Yang, this is why you could be feeling "uneasy" over it. Yin and Yang should be in harmony Warmest Regards, Cecil
  16. Dear Barbara, As Glyn mentioned, sometimes it is quite dangerous to apply " general " Feng Shui concepts. On the surface, as the fireplace represents the fire element, adding a colour like red will increase the `fire' element. It is like pouring `petrol' to fuel the fire. It is best sometimes not even knowing a `little' about Feng Shui. Usually under " general " FS concept, it is best to neutralise `fire' with the earth element. Can you return the colour to the original as soon as possible. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  17. Dear Fraser, Yes, if you can, quickly register any names that you personally feel is happy with particulary those found as `words' or a combination of words and characters. Hurry! meaninful .Com is hard to find nowadays. 888 to the Chinese especially the Cantonese (dialect) sounds Fa Fa Fa or Prosperity x 3. Other good sounding names include 9 or its multiples. For the current Period, 7 is still acceptable (as we are currently under this period). In Flying Star Theory, 8 and 9 or its multiplies are equally auspicious as Period 8 will start in the year 2004. Under the Flying Star numerology, 8 and 9 are equally good as this is considered the stage where we `reap' the beneifits from the `struggles' under Period 1, 2, 3... onwards. Wishing you all the best in getting your domain name. If you cannot get the .com, .net is equally a popular domain name. (I always avoid getting the country specific domains e.g. .com. Equally important is a good website:) Warmest Regards, Cecil Lee
  18. Snap-shots of more pictures of the above temple. Lion statue: There are two Lion statues `guarding' the main entrance to the temple. Lion statues are very common found on traditional Chinese buildings to guard the front door. Lots of buildings in Singapore have the two Lion statues similar to the one shown in the picture. The Hong Kong Shanghai Bank or HSBC commonly has two bronze Lions outside the main entrance of their branches. The burning receptacles are used for burning of paper `money', paper offerings etc... `Hell' notes refers to paper money burned/offered to the dead in the hope that they can make use of the money in the after life.
  19. Pictures of the two Gods guarding the Door. The picture of the two door gods are also used on some Ba Gua `mirrors' i.e. the First Heaven Sequence Ba gua Symbol is on the top while the two door gods are below the Ba Gua `mirror'. This mirror is usually hung to `ward off evil'. For example, it is commonly placed at the North East (Devil's main gate) main door or South West (Devil's back door)main door . For more information about the First Heaven Sequence Ba Gua, please refer to http://www.geomancy.net/fs/pakua.htm
  20. Dear Gustavo, Please see below:- You should place the Ba Gua mirror above the main entrance door (directly at the centre). It is best to use a convex mirror to deflect sha qi (poison arrow). And not the concave mirror which is used to absorb good qi (for auspicious location). Alternatively, you can use a semi-circular carpet which radiates out of the house. If the toilet is at `true' compass points e.g. 0 degrees, 45 degrees, 90 degrees etc... frankly nothing can be done here. Other than to close the toilet door when not in use, keep the location bright and dry. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  21. Dear Anon, The convent is considered a Yin location where e.g. a `depository' such as problems etc... This would account for some like yourself who has a dislike for the facing direction. You can for e.g. have a barrier e.g. fencing with plants to shield your home from the view of the convent. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  22. Dear Anon, I believe, Patalying Jaya refers to the area near or around Kualau Lumpur (the Capital of Malaysia). Malaysia's Cyber Hub is located around this location. Perhaps, this is why you may have heard of it. I am not sure if the spelling is correct or my description exact. But overall you can consider it as a location within Kualau Lumpur. Personally, there is not much significance in the area as compared to Penang, also a `district' of Malaysia where predominantly Chinese stay. You can treat Kualau Lumpur or Penang as equvalent of the definition such as Texas, New York in USA. But these locations are much smaller. If you are staying in Malaysia, perhaps can provide more details or share with us the comments made by Anon. Warmest Regards, Cecil P.S. By the way, Singapore is located South of Malaysia.
  23. Dear Anon, As Robert has mentioned, Chinese Lunar New Year does not always fall on the 4th or the 5th. One good way to find out the dates is to go to this URL: http://www.geomancy.net/fs/90-2010.htm Under the above URL, you can check the `Start' date of the Chinese Lunar New Year from 1990 to the year 2011. You will see that it does not always fall on 4th or 5th. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  24. Dear Betty, Under the Eight Aspirations or Life Associations where each trigram is associated with an aspect of life. Here are the significance of each trigram and their direction: North - Career South - Fame East - Health West - Children North East - Education North West - Helfpul patrons South East - Wealth South West - Romance / Marriage Therefore, to answer your question, Health is neither at West or North but at the East. The above is based on the Later (last) Heaven Sequence. 1. We cannot `compare' this theory with the Shapes and Form School where the Shapes and Form can be applied to every location. The Eight Aspirations is considered too general to be applied to everyone with accuracy. 2. Even the Eight House Theory takes into consideration our Year of birth. The Eight Aspirations has no relation to or `personalised' to an individual. So far all the serious practioners and users of Feng Shui have low regard for this `association'. As mentioned sometime back in a few messages, only after one has used all the `serious' Feng Shui techniques and if one has the luxury or to put it `crudely' too much time in our hands, can then out " boredom " do what wants to `enhance' these areas. If one follows the above `argument', it is the same if a specific life association falls in the kitchen etc... If one follows these `concepts' one may end up not following Traditional Feng Shui. For one, there is little or no relation to the Five Elements Concept or Yin and Yang (at the higher level). The test of authentic Feng Shui concepts is that it must be based on the Five Elements or at least on Yin and Yang Concept. For example, even under the Shapes and Form School, it is related to Yin and Yang. For example, an excellent site is where the Yang Dragon (male) is at a gentle embrace with the Yin (female) tiger. Anything but BTB is encouraged in this forum. Warmest Regards, Cecil
  25. Dear Andy, I see that you are new to the forum. A warm welcome to you! Under the most basic of Feng Shui concepts, your desk can be arranged based on 3 FS concepts: A. Shapes and Form School: 1. Always place one side of the table flushed against e.g. a pillar or wall `for support'. 2. Where best, the back of the desk should not be a walkway. Ideally, you should have a wall behind the table. For a `solid' support. 3. Do not sit under a column. 4. Avoid poison arrow e.g. sharp edges pointed towards you. 5. The table should not be seen openly from a door or directly facing a door. 6. It should not be next to a toilet or facing one. The above are some of the general considerations. B. East/West Group Persons or Eight House Theory. Only after having satisifed the Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui then you can consider sitting facing one of your good directions. Do note that Shapes and Form School takes precedence over Para B. Do not because facing a certain direction is good, you shift your table to an `island' and thus compromise the siting position such as having your back say...face the door to the room. C. Yin and Yang Concept Yes, you can place a small plant on your desk to make it more Yang (as a plant is growing). Here, since it is an `office' environment, it is good to make it a `more yang' environment. Yang refers to bright, energy etc... You should also check the lighting to see if it is adequate for the work table. If not, you can consider using an anglepose or table lamp. Try to avoid having water e.g. an aquarium in the room as it creates a yin environment and may affect the mental mind to a certain degree such as the concentration. What I mentioned above does not take into consideration more detailed analysis done e.g. using the Flying Star Theory etc... Warmest Regards Cecil
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