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Posts posted by elena

  1. Dear Gregg: Aaaagggggghhhhh! Don't use Black Hat Feng Shui to "fix" anything - you can make things worse! The Bagua should only be used outside the front door if there is a poison arrow (like a tree, lamp post or neighbor's roof) pointing at you, or a T-junction, etc. Never put it inside the house - it causes discord. I'm sorry to hear that you broke up - you may want to look into how to correct house imbalances in the reports. I can attest to the fact that Cecil's advice really works. Good luck!!! Sincerely, Elena

  2. Hi Maggie: I had bought a fish tank for my daughter (she loves fish)but gave it away recently. In our previous house, it enhanced a sector, in our new house, I couldn't seem to find the right spot and we had some mishaps. Ever since we gave it away - everything is fine and my daughter has forgotten about the fish. Don't feel too bad - you will find someone who wants the fish and tank and will be very grateful for the gift. Good luck!

  3. Dear Anon:
    The Black Hat feng shui template (from my experience) doesn't work! Don't be fooled into thinking one plant in one corner will change your luck. The true purpose of feng shui is to balance your environment then you will (and I can attest to that) prosper! Please read through some of the past postings to see for yourself or if it is too much for a novice - splurge on a report from Cecil & Robert - it's worth it! Wishing you the best, Sincerely, Elena Wagner

  4. Does repainting the entire exterior and interior of the house (but leaving good roof alone), replacing all the floors, upgrading the electricity, lights and heating/cooling systems, qualify the house to be considered for a new flying star (period) chart? Thank you.

  5. Hello Cecil: What would you advise a client who insists on having his/her office desk "FSed"? Aside from using his/her best directions and knowing the personal element, what is to be done? Of course, keeping organized is a "no brainer" but is the general 8 House template applied to the desk in this situation? Thank you!

  6. Hello everyone: When I was in Hawaii I saw trees that looked like the shape of fish scales. I don't know the name of this tree but I believe it is in the pine family. I haven't seen these trees here in California. Would anyone know the name of this tree? I am curious as to whether having one on your property is "good luck" or portends "bad luck" in Chinese lore. Thank you.

  7. Hello Cecil: I didn't tell her I'm a FS practitioner and didn't go after any other info. It turned me off the way she bragged about being wealthy. Meanwhile, at the gathering, her husband's eye is wandering over every single woman. How wealthy can she really be if her husband behaves like that? Wealthy is when your husband only has eyes for you. LOL Maybe the practitioner should focus on helping them stay together. Just thought the center staircase story was interesting. Thank you.

  8. Hello Cecil: What would you advise a client whose GUA shows the NE and SW to be good front door directions? I'm learning about Devil's back/front doors from you and understand that the doorway should always be light and bright and clear. Any other considerations for these special directions? Thank you.

  9. Hello Cecil: I met someone who had a FS audit done on her house. She bragged that she doesn't make a move without her practitioner advice - which I think is a little silly, we have to think for ourselves. Her house has an off-center staircase. The FS practitioner (don't know who) recommended that some rails be adjusted and now the staircase "curves" back into the center where she had a safe (cash, jewelry,etc)built. I don't have any other details - but I thought it was interesting in terms of Shapes and Forms, to "force" the qui into the valuables safe. What is your opinion on this? Just curious. Thank you.

  10. Hello Cecil: In a previous posting you mentioned a case study where the children's bedroom was in the "Devil's backdoor" and that there was an unfortunate incident there. As a rule of thumb, children's rooms should not be in the SW sector? What if that is the only location? Or the alternative location Flying Star-wise and 8 House-wise is not advisable? Please advise. Thank you!

  11. Hello Cecil: The Triangle Effect works great for the seafood restaurant I wrote in about. The owner has seen an immediate increase in business. They have not done all the cures yet-I told them to do one at a time and see if there are any results. Thanks for helping me keep my favorite restaurant open!
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