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Posts posted by elena

  1. According to our comparison report, we need an earth remedy (yellow or brown color)to bind. In a previous forum you mentioned flooring in a house being a a way to do that. Would laying down a brown floor (real or fake wood) throughout the whole house work? Or would a beige carpet throughout the house also work? Is beige considered yellow? Thank you!

  2. Thank you for the picture of the money plant, however, I am confused. It looks like it is a vine-like plant? I thought that all vine plants signify legal problems and not suitable for inside the house or out. Also, my friend has what she claims is THE moneyplant in her front yard.
    It is tall and has longer leaves.
    May I post a picture
    of it - maybe you can tell me what it is.

  3. I am househunting. Thank goodness I have
    Geomancy.net as a resource! My question is:
    I have come across a few suitable houses
    (for our us and our budget) in terms of
    landform, benefit to breadwinner
    and price. However, the flying star reads:
    Romance Luck. We are married with one child
    and expecting another one. Does romance luck
    mean general POPULARITY for everyone
    in the family or is it more
    suitable for homeowners who are single
    and looking for a happy marriage? Thank you!

  4. Would you purchase a house that
    is good in most respects to the
    breadwinner but has a bad (i.e. troubled
    mother or death may occur) flying star
    analysis? Does the flying star house
    number completely change with
    major renovations and different periods
    (i.e. the fortune turns good like
    landed prosperity) or does it always
    keep the original forecast that just
    gets upgraded (i.e troubled mother
    that wins unexpected money)? Is it
    possible to purchase the house then
    change the numbers or is that cheating?

  5. Hello Cecil & Robert! I'm sorry to
    bring up a fish tank question again.
    I did the search for fishtank but
    still am unclear re: this particular
    aspect of placement. My front door
    opens to a wall - it is a small area,
    the wall is exactly six feet from
    the threshold. We have a pretty
    screen there now (on a console) depicting
    lotus and hummingbirds. For Christmas
    I would like to buy my daughter (who
    is crazy over fish) a fish tank and place
    it in that area. My livingroom doesn't have
    enough room but I have a small study (in
    the south) where I can also place it. My
    flying star chart paid report shows the front door to be an auspicious area
    to activate moutain star. I am worried
    about messing that up with the tank OR
    even worse causing my beloved husband to
    stray LOL just kidding! The tank would
    deflect the sha of the column blocking
    our front door (our building has an
    apartment facing ours half-way unevenly).
    Thank you - I'm sorry that I couldn't
    figure this one out from the database.

  6. Hello everyone! For the king size bed
    problem with the unseen divider support
    under the bed: how about a "platform bed" for the bed instead?
    I've seen pictures of these kinds of beds
    in modern furniture magazines. They look
    nice and I would like a king size mattress
    with this type of bed. Cecil & Robert -
    Please comment. Thank you. Your faithful

  7. I really like your approach to FS
    using the best from different methods
    to give a complete picture. Maybe if
    you could translate terms for me I
    would find it easier. Is the Pillars
    Report comparable to the individuals
    Western style Natal Chart reading? Then the
    Flying Star would be the house's natal
    chart and the floating numbers could
    be viewed as "transits" like in an
    astrological chart or all together
    when purchasing a house a "relocated
    chart"? I can't wait for your Flying
    Star course!!! Thank you again. Sincerely,
    Elena Wagner

  8. Hello! Thank you for your wonderful
    programs. My question is about
    the auspicious house numbers report.
    Is that the house's "natal chart".
    Does painting the house (or other
    major repairs) "erase" that destiny?
    How does that destiny work with Flying Star
    report when you input the door's
    direction? Also, let's say you find
    a great house in the compass school
    but the house number is bad. Can
    you change the house number (go to
    city hall) and change your house
    destiny? I'm following in your footsteps
    by incorporating compass school, best
    directions, flying star but am confused
    when it comes to house destiny. Don't
    know how to incorporate Pillars yet into
    the "big picture" other than to get
    a lot of favorable elements around me.
    Thank you for any "pearls of wisdom". Sincerely,
    Elena, your faithful reader/customer

  9. Has anyone read FS for Idiots? I would
    like your opinion please. I like
    the charts they have and the classical
    style. I have thrown out
    all the Lin and Too books I bought.
    There are too many contradictions there.
    So far I like this Forum's books (I bought
    them and use them)and the
    above. I'm open to any suggestions
    of other "classic FS" texts. Thank you.

  10. I had never heard of Pillars before
    your website. I am a little confused
    by the information on my report.
    For example, I discovered that
    I am a weak water, my husband a
    weak metal, and my daughter a
    weak metal. Since metal is good
    for water, I am lucky to have them
    and they me. How can I enhance the
    metal further? Should I wear a lot
    of metal jewelry or is one symbolic
    piece sufficient? I would buy metal
    furniture for the house. Would that
    help? White walls? A dome arch
    over the front door? Any suggestions
    would be greatly appreciated. Thank
    you for your wonderful website.

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