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Everything posted by myfs_77438

  1. Dear Cecil, First, I'm a strong water. According to the balance of my element charts, I have 7 water (70%), 3 metal (18%), 1 wood (8%), 1 earth (4%), 0 fire (0%). Fire is my wealth element and I have none of it. This is my plan to balance my elements: (in my bedroom since I spend most of my time in the bedroom when I come home from work) 1) paint the wall in my bedroom a light yellow (earth) 2) my comforter is a crimson maroon red (dark red) with gold flowers (fire) 3) I just bought new sheets and pillows for my bed. They are either maroon red (fire) or green (wood) So what do you think? Will this plan help me balance my elements? Thank you as always, Hoa
  2. Dear Cecil, First, I wish you, Robert and the geomancy.net family a VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Secondly, I want to thank you for all your valuable advice during the past years. Third, would you please help me clarify some confusion? I was born in the year of the fire Monkey (Dec 31 1956) and the Chinese horoscope for 2004 said it was going to be a very bad year for me. However, the Pillars of destiny analysis said in year 2004, the first 6 months are very auspicious and the last 6 months are a little inauspicious. Which is more correct, the chinese horoscope for 2004 or the pillars of destiny analysis? Thank you very much as always, Hoa
  3. Dear Cecil: When I look at your year 2003 flying star analysis, it shows the star 5 (misfortune) is in the southeast sector and star 2 (sickness) is in the north sector. However, when I ran the flying star for my house and my brother's house (both were built in period 7), it shows the star 5 is in the east sector and star 2 is in the south sector. Would you please explain this? Thank you so much as always, hoa
  4. Dear Cecil, My bedroom in the soutwest sector of my house (period 7) has: base star (4) vs. yearly star (3): solution is to use metal to control wood. Mountains star (6) vs. water star (8): auspicious. I've been hanging 6-coins tied with red string on the wall above my head. I'm a strong water. Ever since then, my sinus has been pretty bad (running like crazy). I just wonder if the 6-coins affect me at all? Should I hange the 6-coins on the same wall but not above my head? Thank you very much, hoa
  5. Hi Cecil, Is there any meaning to a 3-hollow rods windchime? Thank you, hoa
  6. Dear Cecil, I've just re-ran the flying star for my brother's house for this year. A few areas concerned me and I don't know if 6 coins are needed. The house is period 7. The SouthWest: The base star (4) vs. yearly star (3) and mountain star (3) vs. water star (8): both are inauspicious and metal cure is recommended. Both of the kitchen and my brother's bathroom are in this sector. The kitchen is right below his bathroom. My mom, who lives with my brother, spends a lot of her waking time in the kitchen. She's old and frail. Should we hang 6 coins in the kitchen? The East Sector: Base star (5) vs. yearly star (4) and mountain star (2) vs. water star (7): both are inauspicious. My mom's bedroom and the second floor's common bathroom are in this sector, with my mom's bedroom right below the bathroom. Do we need to hang 6 coins in her bedroom? The South: Base star (2) vs. yearly star (1) and mountain star (5) vs. water star (1): both are inauspicious. Both the front door and my nephew's bathroom are in this sector, with the front door below the bathroom. However, the toilet bowl is not right above the front door (thank god!). Still they are in this sector so do we need to hang 6-coins at the front door? I told my brother whoever designed his home should have taken a shape and form Feng Shui course from your website. Thanks much for your advice, Hoa
  7. Dear Cecil, Thank you very much for all your wonderful advice. I'm wishing you HEALTH, PROSPERITY and HAPPINESS throughout 2003. Hoa Luong
  8. Dear Cecil, Thank you very much for your reply. There are three more sectors in my house that I would appreciate your clarifying if 6 coins are needed. The Center: 20 year star (7) vs. yearly star (6): auspicious, triple combination. Mountain star (3) vs. water star (2): inauspicious combination. Do I need to hang 6 coins here? The East (my living room): the 20 year base star (5) vs. yearly star (4): inauspicious. The mountain star (5) vs. water star (9): also inauspicious. Do I need to hang two sets of 6 coins here? The North (my dining room): base 20 year star (3) vs. yearly star (2): inauspicious. The mountain star (7) vs. water star (7): auspicious. Do I need to hang 6 coins here? Thank you very much for your help, Hoa
  9. Dear Cecil, I just reran the yearly flying star report for my house (period 7) and would appreciate your helping me clarify the following: The West Sector (my office): the 20year star (9) vs. yearly star (8): this relationship is auspicious. The mountain star (1) vs. the water star (4): inauspicious combination and the solution is using metal to destroy wood. Is 6 coins needed in this sector? The Southwest Sector (my bedroom):the 20 year star (4) vs. the yearly star (3): inauspicious combination and the solution is to use metal to destroy wood. The mountain star (6) vs. the water star (8): auspicious combination. Do I need to hang 6 coins here? The South Sector (my front entrance): the 20 yearrr star (2) vs. the yearly star (1): inauspicious combination and the solution is to use metal to destroy earth . The mountain star (8) vs. the water star (6): auspicious combination. Do I still need to hang 6 coins here? The Northeast sector (my sister's bedroom): the 20year star(1) vs. the yearly star (9): auspicious combination. The mountain star (9) vs. the water star (5): inauspicous and to metal to destroy earth. Does this sector needs 6 coins? Thanks a lot as always, Hoa
  10. Dear Cecil, My gas station building was built in period 6 (1964-83). But in 1998, I completly remodeled the convenient store section of the buiding (the store cash register is in the convenient store), but the mechanic section stayed the same. Now I want to run the flying star report for my gas station mainly to see if the location where my cash register is has any problems, should I choose period 6 or period 7 for the flying star report? Thank you very much, hoa
  11. Dear Robert and Cecil, I just ran a flying star report for my gas station. The Southeast sector concerns me because that's where my convenient store, half of the front door to the gas station and my cash register are located. In the Southeast sector, the 20-year star (star 5) vs. the year star (also star 5) which form an inauspicious combination and the solution is to use METAL to exhaust and weaken earth. The mountain star (star 8) vs. water star (star 4) also form an inauspicious combination and the proposed solution is to use METAL to destroy and control wood. Is it OK if I hang a 6-hollow rod metal windchime outside the front door AND a 6-coin-tied-with-red-string above my cash register to neutralize all the badness described above? In the South sector where my mechanics work, the mountain star (star 3) vs. water star (star 9) also form an insauspicious combination. The proposed solution is to use FIRE to exhaust and weaken wood. What does this mean? What is considered a fire solution? Thank you so much as always, hoa
  12. Dear Cecil, My boyfriend and I have completely opposite directions in the eight house. His death direction is my excellence and vice versa. He is a strong earth and I'm a strong water. Does this mean we are incompatible? (since his front door direction is my death and vice versa) Thank you very much as always, hoa
  13. Dear Cecil, Within the last two weeks, there have been two stray cats that come nightly and early morning to my gas station begging for food. I've been feeding them because I felt sorry for them. But my cashier told me that the stray cats brings bad luck. What does Feng shui say about stray cats? Thank you very much as always, hoa
  14. Dear Cecil, Do I need to run a new flying star chart for my house every year? Thanks, hoa
  15. Dear Cecil, My boyfriend Stephan is a Strong Earth born on May 5, 1961 at 6:08pm (the year of the OX). He's involved in a LAWSUIT regarding the buyout of his real estate partnership interest with a former employer who was born in either the year of the Rat or the Pig. The lawsuite has been going on for three years and will go to court sometime in the middle of 2003. I recently got him involved in FengShui and now he would like to know what he can do from a fengshui standpoint to win the lawsuit? I recommend that he should hang a 6-coin-tied-with-red-string in the West sector of his house for the remaining of 2002 and then in the Southwest sector for 2003. Do you think this is enough? Any other advice would be greatly appreciated. He said he would be willing to pay for your service but I checked in your shopping department and I couldn't find anything that fit in with his lawsuit problem. Thank you very much as always, Hoa
  16. Dear Cecil, What is the binding element for my boyfriend and I, who are both strong water? Thank you so much as always, hoa
  17. Hello Cecil; I'm considering buying a house. Its front door direction is good for me. However, I'm not sure if the LAND it sits on is good fengshui? From what I've researched, it doesn't seem to be good, but again I'm not sure. From the front view of the house, it sits on a downhill slope with the front door facing southwest and the side facing northwest. There is another house sitting higher on the southeast side. Otherwise, there are no other houses. From the side view of the house (the northwest side), you can see the front is higher than the back of the house. It's a split level house by the way. I'm attaching a drawing of what I've just described to you. Any feedbacks would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much as always, Hoa
  18. Hello Cecil, My four good/bad directions (eight-house) said my house should be a West house (my gua is 7). My 24 bazi directions said the West direction (which is metal) is very bad for me since I'm a strong water. Also the 24 bazi directions said the East direction (which is wood) is very good for me, but East is my Death direction according to the eight-house. According to the eight-house, the NorthEast direction is my longevity, and the 24 bazi directions said the NorthEast is good, good and very good. So based ont the above, what direction should my new house be? Thank you very much as always, Hoa
  19. Dear Cecil, From the center point of my brother's house to the center point of his front door, it lies right in the middle of S165 and SE150. So what should I choose as the direction of the house, S165 or SE150? Thank you very much. Hoa
  20. Dear Cecil, The 3 interactive stars for this Northwest sector are 2(w) vs 3(m), base 8. Most of the Northwest sector is the bathroom area. But a small part of it is my office. So do you think I need to hang the 6 coins for that small NorthWest part of my office? Thanks a lot. Hoa
  21. Dear Cecil, Thank you very much for your response. When I took a good look at my floor plan again, my office (which is also a bedroom in my house) is located in the West sector as well as a small fraction of the Northwest sector that has the star 2 as described above. Do I need to hang the 6-coin with red string for the small Northwest part of my office? Thanks, Hoa
  22. Dear Cecil, When I ran the flying star for my brother's house, the main door lies in the East sector that has 2(m) vs 7(w), base 5. My mom who lives with my brother, also sleeps in a bedroom in the East sector of the house and she has been sick a lot. Following your advice, we hang a 6 coins tied with red string in her bedroom's wall to fight the star 2. By the way, my mom is a STRONG WOOD and the east sector is wood, so does this have any BAD effect on her at all since wood is not her favorable element? If so, what else should we do to better her health? I'm also thinking about hanging a brass-6-hollow-rod winchime outside the front door to fight the star 5. Is it neccessary? After fixing the problems in this East sector, I'm thinking about balancing the elements in this East sector. Right now it has East (wood), stars 2 and 5 (earth), star 7 (metal). So this sector needs water and fire elements. My brother (who is the breadwinner for this household) is a strong fire. Can he be counted as a fire element for this sector? If not, should we repaint the front door a blue or red color (it's painted white right now)? Thank you for your valuable advice, Hoa
  23. Dear Cecil, I want to run a flying star for my business facility, but I need to determine what direction for my business's front door. Half of my front door is in South 165, and the othe half is in Southeat 150. So what direction should I choose? Thank you kindly, Hoa
  24. Hello Cecil, My boyfried is a very weak fire (10%) and I'm a very strong water (70%). Every time we're together, his sinus/congestion problem becomes very bad. I feel like I'm drowning him or putting his weak fire out. I know the wood element is the binding element, but how do we apply this wood element to better our situation? His house is made of natural cedar wood and so all the external walls are wood walls, but this wood house doesn't seem to help us. Do we need to get a wood bedframe, all wood furniture etc..? By the way his house flying star shows his bedroom has two stars 2. I intend to hang a 6 coin with red string to counter the stars 2. However, I still don't think the star 2 is the main problem because his sinus didn't bother him much until he met me. At the beginning, we thought he was alergic to my dogs, but now that I know I'm a strong water and he is a weak fire, I think I'm the cause of his sinus problem. Please suggest some ideas on how we can apply the wood binding element. Thank you again for your help. Hoa
  25. Hello Cecil, Thank you very much for your previous response. The eight-house shows the NW sector of my house is my prosperity direction, but the flying star report shows it has 2(m) vs 3(w), base 8. This sector however is primarily the bathroom/toilet area of my house. Since it's my prosperity direction, I have kept the toilet bowl lid down and close the the bathroom door and not used these bathrooms very much (I use my master bathroom instead). Do I still need to hang the 6-coin tied with red string to fight the star 2 in this NW sector? Thank you very much, Hoa
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