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Where would be the best place to put the lion turtle and the frog with coins?
Is it good to have a crystal ball on top of the frog? (that's what I bought)
I am a west person. dragon sign (1964 Dec). Is it good to have a dragon picture in the house if so, where should I put it.
Thank you.

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1. These are modern inventions.

2. Look at it this way: How do you treat all the souvenirs that you had bought. Or a decorative piece?

3. Just ponder over this: Your great-grand parents, grand parents or even your parents don't have such objects. What make so special?

4. The people making it so .. so special are those that laugh themselves to the bank: the sellers of such "rubbish" in the name of whatever Feng Shui!

5. Do you know that these rubbish Feng Shui commercial products are manufactured cheaply. Just check how much you had paid for it. And do you know where all your hard earned money went to? It goes to enrich all these unscrupulous sellers!

6. Morale of the story: These rubbish products are not magical! I would have used the money more fruitfully e.g. simple things like saving for a rainy day or even brining family to a simple mac donald outing etc..

7. The rich gets richer. and they hardly if ever had seen such RUBBISH! Go visit a filthy rich person's home... they have this silly turtle toad or frog... all these are rubbish!

8. We don't need all these rubbish to run our lives! It is sometimes a little complicated already.

9. Rubbish is thus the in-thing! So say rubbish and get rid of these rubbish!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. We are all grown-ups or adults. So let's not get cheated by con artists selling such products in the same of something else!

2. The sellers find it very lucrative! Make tons of money at our expense!

3. At our age, we should'nt be conned into believing in such things as these also does not have any scientific basis.


4. For more on the modern invention of so called commercial products (rubbish):-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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