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Will other culture be able to use the pillars of name

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Dear Anon,
For those who are new to Pillars of Name, let me elaborate by giving an illustration.
When my eldest brother was born, my grandfather consulted a Geomancer who did up his Pillars of Destiny.
The Geomancer `found' that my brother's Ba Zi (Pillars of Destiny) has an imbalance as he `lacks' the water element.
Here, his three character Chinese name has a Chinese name with `Water' in it. The Chinese character `Shui' (exactly the same Chinese character as the `Shui' of Feng Shui.
Pillars of Name has been around for a long time as long as Pillars of Destiny and each Chinese character can be `traced' to it as Yin or Yang and a specific Five element i.e. Water, Wood, Fire, Metal or Earth.
Here, one can understand that it is much harder to classify `English, Indian, French.. etc.. names' into the equivalent bearing in mind that we much determine each character or word as either Yin/Yang or one of the Five elements.
Because of the above reasons, this is why outside the Chinese community one would have difficulty using the Pillars of Name for analysis. (Some people have tried to use the meaning of an English name and convert it to a near equivalent to the Chinese name).
One good news is that Robert, will at a later date launch a module mainly for the Chinese community to select a name for their child.
Warmest Regards,

On 11/1/99 2:08:37 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
Why cant people from other
culture be able to use the
pillar of name since some
cultures have names which are
based on meanings etc. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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