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I Live in a Dead End Street


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Dear Master Cecil Lee

fficeffice" />

I came across your website when doing some research on feng shui. I live in at the end of a dead end street. I have lived here since January 2007. Since this time I have losted money, made no achievements in my work. I am a salaried person. The family quarrels over little matters.

The house I live in faces an incoming road. The living room window faces the road. My footpath is straight. The front door faces East. I have shrubs planted along the road side. The rest of my front yard is grass from the shrubs to the front wall of the house.

Some people say I have bad chi coming into my house and that I should build a wall. I cannot build a wall as this will not fit the character of the street. Others have said I do not have enough good energy coming into my house. I should plant flowers or have a water pool in the front yard to attract more good energy.

Please advise me on what to do.


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1. Yes, frankly, what you had mentioned are some of the more typical "cures".

2. As you have mentioned, it would be very odd to see a wall in your environment, this is out. Thus a more natural approach as suggested in your message is to grow "bushy" type of plants vs trees with distinct tree trunk.

3. Of course, Para 1 above,is often the most effective method - in your case, out of the question. Para 2, is thus usually the next best choice.

4. Other methods are basically based more on symbolism e.g. placing a conVEX ba gua mirror above the main door. In Asia, this is a very common method after Para 1 and/or 2. In fact, in Asia, many combine Para 1 with Para 4.

5. Thus without Para 1 or 2, the face or "mouth" of the home is left exposed to such "sha qi" (bad qi).

Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Cecil Lee

src='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>fficesrc='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>ffice" />

I came across your website when doing some research on feng shui. I live in at the end of a dead end street. I have lived here since January 2007. Since this time I have losted money, made no achievements in my work. I am a salaried person. The family quarrels over little matters.

The house I live in faces an incoming road. The living room window faces the road. My footpath is straight. The front door faces East. I have shrubs planted along the road side. The rest of my front yard is grass from the shrubs to the front wall of the house.

Some people say I have bad chi coming into my house and that I should build a wall. I cannot build a wall as this will not fit the character of the street. Others have said I do not have enough good energy coming into my house. I should plant flowers or have a water pool in the front yard to attract more good energy.

Please advise me on what to do.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Master Cecil Lee

fficeffice" />

Thank you for your quick reply.

1) Does the bagua mirror have to cover all the door frame? As you can see from photograph 1 the door frame touches the ceiling. What I am asking is can the bagua mirror overhang, or does all the mirror needs to be fixed to a flat surface?

2) Photograph 2 gives a good view of the front of my house. If the answer to para 1 is no can I attach the mirror to the front of the house above the door. Or would attaching it to the front window be a better option? This window is of my living room.

3) I live in ffice:smarttags" />Europe. You can see from photo 2 that I have some small bushes and the grass. These are about 18 inches high. I Can change these for taller bushes. I can also put bamboo sticks into the ground around the bushes.

4) My path is straight I was thinking of putting some plants in round pots on it to break up the straight lines.


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