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Need advice on career

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According to bazi, I'm a strong yin metal rat. Do you think a career in either accounting, civil engineering, or college professor would be appropriate for me? What would happen if I pursueany of these careers? I know I wouldbe stressed out in civil engineering, but what about a college business professoror accounting?Also, out of these three, which one do you think would be better for me?

-------------------Some fire & water careers and how I feel about it-----------------

Advertising - Their salary's not that good, but I do like to draw & be creative

Arts - See advertising

Brewing - No

Communications -I don't think that I am a good communicator

Computers - I done computer jobs for over 3 years and I love it. Butit wasamateur job.

Advance computer job that pays well requires a computer degree and an ability to program, and I have neither

Drinks -bartending?

Healing - doctor? Pharmacist? Iwould like to bea pharmacist but I don't have a degree for it.

Laundry - Done it as a summer job & I love it. Don't see it as a career for now

Literature - Business College professor?


Media - As long as I'm shooting the camera, directing a movie, or being a model or celebrity

Music - I can't sing

Therapy - idkfficeffice" />

Chemical Process - I have absolutely no interest in this job

Fashion - Is it a fashion designer? Or fashion modeling? I have interest but the economy for the fashion industry in this part of the world is so bad and they don't get pay well. Can't make a living out of it.

Housewife - Only if I marry a super wealthy & loyal husband, and live in a mansion lol ^__^

Law (prosecution) - I don't think I will do well. I suck at strategic communication

Livestock - No farm here. Nor do I want to work it

Marketing (sales) - I don't think I'm a people person. But I am good at customer service, but they don't get pay well.

Oil - Absolutely no way. It's dangerous

Public relations - Again, I suck at strategic communication

Sales - They don't get pay well

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1. Frankly, nowadays all jobs involve multi-skilling. A term that was or seemed to be introduced by the Japanese - Japanese companies - in Singapore.

2. In the past, a merchant is a merchant; a butcher is a butcher.

3. But all these are no longer "true" today.

4. For example; when you mentioned: "Oil - Absolutely no way. It's dangerous".

5. Quoting your example: you are looking only at the INDUSTRY. For example, there are many industries in the oil company.

6. I remembered many decades ago... I am now close to 50 years old; my teachers then were telling us that one of the best industries to work for are the "oil companies" e.g. Dutch Shell; British Petroleum; Mobil, Esso now US : Mobil-Exxon. Perhaps, maybe upto the next 25 years.. oil is and going to be available.

7. So oil industries does not mean that one has to be playing with "oil". Unless one becomes a garage mechanic draining oil from a car.

8. From the above example: nowadays: one has to look at:-

What is the industry classified as? Oil?
What is YOUR MAIN job specification? E.g. Sales & Marketing = Fire element; Metal - e.g. accountant ; Training and coaching = wood etc...

9. Thus, nowadays; for example: one can work for a hospital (Industry = wood) and one may have studied estate management and joined the hospital as a Estate manager managing the estate of the hospital.

10. Thus, in reality; one should be closely examining one's MAIN job specification - more important consideration, first.

11. Other factors (not bazi):-

Inclined to be more introvert of extrovert. We cannot say that all introverts remain introvet all the time or being overly extrovert. Many extroverts have even toned down or got put down by their peers or even the culture that they are in.

If one is inclined more towards being an introvert: thus even if their ba zi says fire element is good: how would this person achieve success in direct sales of cars in many instances. If the person is well educated and have studied marketing - some marketing areas are more inclined towards planning.. and here, the person may even be considered as a wood person - growth (stragetic planning of sorts).

Most likely those who are inclined or lead a sheltered life in the past; may not like doing "sales job". And some prefer backroom work.

The more educated, many have become more risk adverse. That is due to our education system (Singapore) in the past. For example, in the 1960's to 1970's many educated people would rather be a salaried worker in a good company vs being an entrepreneur.

The likes of Sim Wong Hoo, Creative, has only a diploma at that time. And many diploma holders perhaps felt nothing to loose!

I was also born with a silver spoon. Imagine; from 1 year old to 15 year's old, servant(s) and personal ahmad (driver) all the way. Took my first public bus when I went to junior college when I reached 16 year's old.

Most embarrasing was when during school breaks, my servant would be there; ready with my chocolate magnolia drink and a swiss roll coated with sugar. - Can remember for the rest of my life. And immediately after school, my driver would be there to fetch us (brothers) without fail. Yet, my school is just 1.2 km away from my home!

12. Thus, like Feng Shui is not a cure all; Ba zi is neither a ticket to all our hopes and expectations.

13. In modern times; for example, we have smoke detectors; if our bedroom is just above a kitchen, I would rather trust having smoke detectors or fire detection modules at strategic locations vs hanging things like six coins.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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