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Real estate and house fengshui


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Dear Master Lee,

Previously, you have advised my husband and I about our house fengshui and that we are not advised to go into our own business staying in our current house.

On this note, I am wondering if 'going into business' would also include being in the property business - i.e being a real estate agent and selling houses as a living?

My husband would like to give up his full time job and venture into real estate as an agent but we are concern if this would be like going into business or it would still be considered as being employed?

Your advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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1. Generally, real estate is regulated and can be considered more as a "profession" i.e. although is own "boss" but not really abusiness person or entrepreneur.

2. In addition, the difference between a businessman and a real estate agent is that an agent needs to pass some test to get a licence of sorts to practise. While we don't see a businessman getting a licence to become one. (Unless one is in North Korea and even so, may be executed for being a captalistic pig then anything else

3. As real estate belongs to the earth element; goes better with weak earth person, weak metal person or strong fire person.

4. Good Luck!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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