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Neighbour problems


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A few months ago I moved house, although I love my home I am having problems with one of my neighbours. This neighbour lives two doors down from me on the same side and appears to be the street gossip My problem is that she is trying to involve herself in my life and knows everything I do (she gets most of her information from my 11 year old daughter who dosn't realise she is giving information away when she is answering her questions), she even knows when I leave my house and when I come home - she is incredibly nosey. I am now at the stage where I can't relax in my home in the evenings because I know she will find some excuse to knock on my door and invite herself in and I am beginning to resent her interference in my life, I don't want to be nasty to her - its not in my nature. Please can you tell me if there is any way of dealing with this with feng shui. I am pretty desperate to put a stop to it.

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  • Staff

Dear Jane,
Unfortunately, this is not directly related to Feng Shui although theories such as Flying Star can help to pinpoint the location related to such influences.
It is best that you try to explain to your daughter and not to say too much to the neighbour.
Warmest Regards,

On 11/9/99 9:52:18 PM, Anonymous wrote:
A few months ago I moved
house, although I love my home
I am having problems with one
of my neighbours. This
neighbour lives two doors down
from me on the same side and
appears to be the street
gossip My problem is that she
is trying to involve herself
in my life and knows
everything I do (she gets most
of her information from my 11
year old daughter who dosn't
realise she is giving
information away when she is
answering her questions), she
even knows when I leave my
house and when I come home -
she is incredibly nosey. I am
now at the stage where I can't
relax in my home in the
evenings because I know she
will find some excuse to knock
on my door and invite herself
in and I am beginning to
resent her interference in my
life, I don't want to be nasty
to her - its not in my nature.
Please can you tell me if
there is any way of dealing
with this with feng shui. I
am pretty desperate to put a
stop to it.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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