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Different color light bulbs


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Dear Anon,
One can use lighting or lights to enhance the Qi.
But what you have mentioned is in my opinion not practical.
1. The best lighting is during the day it is best to natural lighting. In a home, it is best to allow rays of natural sun light to filter into the house.
2. I am not sure how one can implement the proposal of turning on the lighting e.g. purple or red all the time. 24 hours?
In my opinion, it is just like the story of someone who was asked to drive his car over a set of steps everyday he returns home.
Is this practical? not withstanding the question of whether it will work or not.
On one hand, the power supply company would be most happy to hear of this. Perhaps it is a rumour circulated by a power supply company staff or a shareholder *JOKE*
Warmest Regards,

On 11/10/99 3:07:45 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
I read somewhere that one can
use different color light bulb
if one cant change the color
of the walls. And that the
purple color or red color
bulbs can be used to enhance
the wealth. Is there any truth
in this. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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