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Height of Kitchen Counter


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These are some considerations:
1. Traditionally, the stove is often lower than the height of the sink.
2. However, especially in Singapore, there are already more than 3,000 over condominiums (not inclusive) of landed properties. And if the stove and sink are on the same plane or location; they are of similar height). Therefore, having the sink higher than the stove is no longer a primarly concern.
3. Thus taking a cue from Para 2; both the sink and stove can be on the same level.
4. Many condominiums use close to or equal to 34 inches for the stove cum sink table top.
5. The best is to apply 34 inches as a standard table height. This is often the "smarter" choice. As often; if we do specify say 33 inches. This is acceptable. But, if the contractor somehow makes a boo-boo or mistake: such as did not give allowance for the floor tiles etc... or if the floor tiles are slanted, then the table top could even yo-yo between 33 inches and downards!
6. Thus on the safe side; 34 inches is good; because even if the contractor makes a mistake OOPS!; there is a variance of 1 inch below it = 33 inches OR one inch higher = 35inches.
7. Therefore anyheight betweenon or 33 inches and not higher than 35 inches is good enough!.

On 7/3/2011 11:56:43 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Master Cecil,What will be the
preferred height of a
L-shaped kitchen counter with
both the sink and the stove on
it? 34 inches or 35
inches or any in between 34
and 35 inches?Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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In the past, the stove table top is lower similar to these photos so that a portable stove can be placed.


Such that when the portable stove has been placed; as can be seen in the following photos, the cooker hobs are around or exactly at the same level as the actual table top of the rest of the kitchen cabinets.

It is because of this that is why till today, many still believed that this is Feng Shui. And that the "Stove should be lower than the sink".

But what these people forgot is that the lower height of the stove table top is to provide allowance for the entire stove module.

As can be seen (below) the two hobs are exactly at the same level with the rest of the kitchen table top:-



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Further to what I mentioned earlier...

In the past, have you either lived in a home with an indent like this for a cassette type stove?

As many HDB homes in Singapore used to have the kitchen cabinet where the location for the stove was sunken-into the kitchen table-top.

This is the actual reason for the origin of "the stove" must be lower than the sink.

In actual fact, sometimes when the cassette type stove as shown below can either be level with the kitchen top or on occasions higher than the table top.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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U mentioned 34 inches as the ideal kitchen countertop height. Is that strictly the ideal and the reason? Appreciate the clarification coz it is a bit low. May have to bend the knees to stand comfortably over the countertop. Thank you!!
Based on auspicious Feng Shui ruler measurements. Optimal is 34”. Or highest is 35”.
Majority of condo and ECs use this height. Unless they have a built in washing machine then can be 35 inches plus.
Nice-to auspicious dimensions. 




1. However, if one decides to install either a dishwasher or washing machine below this same table-top, then the above measurements will be thrown off-balance.

2. This means that the height of the table top may no longer be between 34 inches or 35 inches.

3. The clearance of the table-top often can be at least > 35 inches to even 36 more more inches depending on the thickness of the kitchen table-top.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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The tale of “stove” must be lower than the sink originates from this…

Thus when a cassette stove is placed at the stove niche, often it is around the same height as the sink. LOL

The 1970’s to 1980’s kitchen table top…


In the olden days, roughly this type of stove…connected to an LPG gas tank


The LPG cylinder is placed below the sink. And there is a visible hole, circled where the LPG pipe is connected to the stove through, there.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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