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Star number 4?


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Nowadays, after moving to my
new house, I had alot of
argument with my husband that
does not happen before. I
don't know is it because of
feng shui. Can you pls advise
in general what kind of
decoration (e.g cannot placed
what item in bedroom) and in
what situation in term of feng
shui will affect husband and
wife relationship?

Most likely, there is an inauspicious star number 4 somewhere in your bedroom or rooms which you are consist together. Or maybe you have some element which does not suit the both of you. However, without more details it is pretty difficult to access what's wrong.
The above is the reply from Robert. Can I know what you mean by star number 4 and how can we know we have that number?
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Dear anon,
Why don't you look at the sample of the good houses. It is the flying star chart. It will give you a rough idea of what to expect and then you can do a flying chart of your house and it will tell you the exact location where this star falls in your house and it will tell you how to neutralize it according to your pillar. Good luck!

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