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Bazi & Auspicious Dates


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Dear Master Cecil,
First I would like to thank you & Robert for providing the online free Monthly Auspicious Dates by Bazi ( ie. based on Birth date & time). Igenerated this report and had some observations that puzzles me. Hope you could help shed some light on this. Thank you.
1) why is it that a "Snake" Day ( EB Snake) is shown as "Auspicious" for a person who was born in the year of the Boar ?
Some FengShui books listthe 6 Earthly Branch Clashes of which"Snake"vs "Boar" as one of the 6 clashes. Also, it is said that one should avoid selecting a day which is a "Personal Breaker" ie. earthly branch clash with one's Bazi Year Pillar. I'm quite confused by this.
2) why is it that a "Month Breaker Day" or a "Year Breaker Day" is shown as auspicious for a strong water boar person ? It is said that one should avoid all Beakers Days ?
Eagerly looking forward to ur comments.
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These are some considerations:
1. Clue: it is based on specific priorities and other factors.
2. In my opinon, some Feng Shui books are frankly... either ignorant or too general. Or some even don't get things right. Have even encountered: many blindly following each other.
3. We don't intend to highlight many of the key factors. If so, from past experience many others would try to emulate and copy our logic and methods. In fact, there were lots of instances where, some users report to us that our results differ from some sites; and later they return to that site to discover that these sites utimately changed their results to match us.
For example, after we published this resource:-
Many of our users feedback that suddenly many other sites had changed their program to try to emulate Geomancy.net reports.
4. We at Geomancy.net do very high level analysis and very exacting research before we put up our materials and resources. And many of our resources always stood the test of time.
5. We are not followers of others. So what if 10 books say the same thing but it does not follow that 10 does not equate that it is right. And we have our own rationale and metholodgyand reason why we do things.

On 7/23/2011 5:32:47 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master Cecil,First I
would like to thank you &
Robert for providing the
online free Monthly Auspicious
Dates by Bazi ( ie. based on
Birth date & time).
Igenerated this report
and had some observations that
puzzles me. Hope you could
help shed some light on this.
Thank you.1) why is it that a
"Snake" Day ( EB Snake) is
shown as "Auspicious" for a
person who was born in the
year of the Boar ? Some
FengShui books listthe 6
Earthly Branch Clashes of
"Boar" as one of the 6
clashes. Also, it is said that
one should avoid selecting a
day which is a "Personal
Breaker" ie. earthly branch
clash with one's Bazi Year
Pillar. I'm quite confused by
this.2) why is it that a
"Month Breaker Day" or a "Year
Breaker Day" is shown as
auspicious for a strong water
boar person ? It is said that
one should avoid all Beakers
Days ?Eagerly looking forward
to ur comments.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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