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Bedroom door faces staircase going down to first floor..


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Dear advisors,
My bedroom door faces the staircase going down to first floor, but the staircase is of a C shape, ie: faces a corner first, turn right, a few more steps and right again to the first floor. what can I do to balance the bad fengshui about this. Does placing any pots or plants at the corner of the staircase helps? And also, there is a window on the left and directly above my bed. I understand that it is not good to have a beam above the bed. So what can I do about this? Thirdly, my room is actually above the guest toilet, I believe this is another bad arrangement. Do u have any advice for these? Please help as I do have sleepless nites and nitemares. Grateful for any kind advices.
Thank you.

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Dear Anon,
Please see below:-

On 11/17/99 10:39:31 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear advisors,
My bedroom door faces the
staircase going down to first
floor, but the staircase is of
a C shape, ie: faces a corner
first, turn right, a few more
steps and right again to the
first floor. what can I do to
balance the bad fengshui about
this. Does placing any pots or
plants at the corner of the
staircase helps?
A `C' shaped staircase is not as good as `straight' staircaes with a landing. It is considered 1/2 similiar to a winding staircase (if I can interpret what u mean by a `C').

The best `cure' is to see if you can have a screen behind your bedroom door or place a linen cupboard before entering the door.
A potted plant can be used but in my opinion less effective for a `C' configuration. However, you can try to see if can help. As you can always remove the plant afterwards.
Another method is to place a semi-circular mat facing away from the bedroom door and `cutting' or `slicing' the steps of the staircase leading to the room.
Do try the above out.
Warmest Regards,

And also,
there is a window on the left
and directly above my bed. I
understand that it is not good
to have a beam above the bed.
So what can I do about this?
Thirdly, my room is actually
above the guest toilet, I
believe this is another bad
arrangement. Do u have any
advice for these? Please help
as I do have sleepless nites
and nitemares. Grateful for
any kind advices.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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