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Lift Sharing Same Wall With Kitchen


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These are some considerations:
1. HDB Units face the lift door.
1.1. In my opinion, again, this is one of those things that has more to do with common sense. Thus, some claim such things to be (common sense) Feng Shui.
1.2. Just imagine, if one's main entrance is opened and the interior is in full or partial view of people stepping out of a lift.
1.3. Depending on the density of units that this lift serves as well as human traffic density that uses this lift; most people would feel uncomfortable with many people looking into your home.
1.4. Worse still, many are strangers such as friends, relatives and sometimes those pesky sales person.
1.5. Some feel that because of so many people walking pass the unit; may consider slam shut the main entrance door due to the above even if they loose out in having wind come in from say the main entrance.
1.6. In addition, for those who use the lift; the concern that (touch-wood); if a unit is on fire or engulfed in a fire; the smoke and fire may get into the lift and lift air-well.
1.7 This is why in Singapore, the regulation is that those apartments that are close to the lift; must install a fire-rated door e.g. survive 1/2 hour fire rating or even more.
2. As for the concern of kitchen sharing the same wall with the lift.
2.1. Again, I believe, this has more to do with common sense.
2.2. The main concern is that often there is a higher probability of a fire starting in a kitchen.
2.3. And in the event that there is a fire in this kitchen (which shares a lift wall) hopefully, the wall has a higher fire rating and should not be too hot to affect or flash fire occur in the internal wirings and periperals of the lift air-well.
2.4. In addition, just remember the 9/11 World Trade Centre thing... if the kitchen's floor has load bearing beams that could not take the heat and it is close to the lift air-well; the lift well may even collapse. Go use one's imagination.....

On 9/28/2012 5:09:20 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master Lee,I have had an
arguement with my friend
andwondered which is
more inauspiciose : hdb units
face the lift door or units
have their kitchen sharing the
same wall with the lift. I
have no idea whether this is a
silly question and please
enlighten me. Thank you

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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