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The Garden Residences jointly developed by Keppel Land & WingTai @ 15 Serangoon North Avenue 1 Singapore 555888 - Which units are still lucky today?

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Part 1: Introduction

The Garden Residences with 613 units is located in Serangoon North Avenue 1. It is located in the mature Serangoon Gardens enclave.

The Garden Residences is a 99 year leasehold property expected to be completed by the year 2022 or under the last two years of Period 8 Flying Stars Feng Shui.

This development consists of 5 Blocks of 15 Storeys and another 4 Blocks of 14 storeys each with a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom types.

(Note: KIV for review)


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 2 - Case Study: History of the plot of land: The Garden Residences

In 1966, Serangoon Garden Government High School occupies this plot of land where The Garden Residences occupies today.

The Garden Residences will only be occupying the former Serangoon Garden Government High School site. Thus, the school buildings have to be demolished before this development could be built on this land.

While the other former site: a vocational school: Lichfield Secondary Vocational School site is today a vacant plot of land.

(Note: Vocational Schools were the forerunner of today's ITE. Where not so academic students get to learn tradework such as metallugy and woodworking)


In 2007, the above two schools were taken over temporarily by Paya Lebar Methodist Girls Secondary School:-


Above, prior to 2007, Serangoon North Avenue 1 was known as Jalan Hwi Yoh. And The Garden Residences may have it's address read as above instead of Serangoon North Ave 1.

As you know, today The Garden Residences is currently being built on this former school land. This is why the odd shaped plot of land:-


The existing Sri Darma Muneeswaran Temple is right at the apex of the plot of land. And quite a distance away from The Gardens Residences. Most likely this plot will be another development in the near future.

Launching soon....


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 3 - Reading between the lines of the Sales Brochure of The Garden Residences

1. One major consideration is: "Where is the external common central rubbish bin(s) on each storey?"

2. The developer does not show the location of the external central rubbish bin(s).

3. Before signing the dotted line.. do check with the Sales Agent. In many recent past developments like the Hillion at Bukit Panjang and even 100 Palm Residences, many "wise" potential buyers have successfully requested and viewed the exact location of the common central corridor.

4. Don't want to get an unexpected surprise to find the central rubbish bin beside one's main door! Or possible not facing the main door. Both in terms of Feng Shui and may affect future resale value or even resale potential (if any)...

5. There are more considerations like the location of the central rubbish bin collection point(s) the electrical sub-station(s) and even emergency diesel generations etc....

6. I have complied a useful set of key considerations.. they are not exhaustive but rather.. is good to know...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 4 - A close look at the Sales Brochure Site plan features and functional areas in the development


1. Red flags are the location of the Bin Centre, Substations. Some larger developments also have an Emergency Backup Generator Set.


1.1. A unit Block 9 stack #43 close-by to a Bin Centre is a no-no. Even overlooking or have a view of the Bin Centre is the last thing one should consider.

1.2. Although there is no concrete evidence of the effects of living close to a substation; however, there is a strong stigma attached by many that it is inauspicious to live next to or close to a substation. Since this is the case, why  give yourself the unnecessary concern. It may also affect the subsequent resale value of the unit.

1.3 This is a huge piece of equipment. Often, it is placed at a distance away from the blocks. Rarely used. But they do test this equipment once in a while. Here, the fumes from the burning of diesel oil can be smelled.. 

2. Are you addicted to BBQ smell coming from BBQ Pavilion & Garden Grill.  Or love the aroma of BBQ or cooking smells. If so, it is a happy marriage. But many prefer not to have a unit close-by to this. As the smell can last quite long especially the winds blow into one's unit. 

2.1. For privacy issues, many would prefer to not purchase a unit facing or beside a BBQ , Cooking or Dining pavilion. Here, invited guests or activities may disturb our privacy. And such pavilions may be a magnet for ants etc...

3.  Kids Pool, Splash pool, Tennis court.

3.1. Some want a quiet weekend and on public holidays. If you are the kind who likes serenity; then best to stay clear of units facing and even up to 8th storey high near to such places of activities.

3.2 However, if you love such sounds.. go ahead.. make your day.. not mine or ours...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 5 - Poison arrow or sharp corner from Block 1 stack 11 aimed towards Block 7 stack 36 and from Block 5 stack 28 aimed towards Block 1 stack 09


1. Two stacks in The Garden Residences that has a sharp corner aimed towards a stack: 

Block 1 stack 11 aimed towards Block 7 stack 36. 
Block 5 stack 28 aimed towards Block 1 stack 09.

2. Given this consideration, try not to select these two stacks, if possible. 

3. For now, it is difficult to determine whether this sharp corner is aimed towards any opening of stack 36. 

4. What happens if the sharp corner is aimed towards an opening?

4.1 If the opening is a window, less of an issue as one may draw the curtains or blinds. But if the sharp corner is aimed towards an opening such as a living room balcony opening, then this is harder or that it may be impractical to draw down the external blinds 24/7 unless one really don't mind this.

5. The only way to know is when the development has T.O.P. and one is inside the unit to do a check.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 6 - External Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, the flow of Qi: Of funnels & bottle necks


1. There is both a funnel effect and a bottleneck at location marked as "X". 

2. There is the good and bad news:

3. The good news: 

In general low wind conditions, such as a "nice" calm and constant cooling wind will be great Feng Shui for Block 1 stack #11, Block 7 stacks #29 and #36.

3.1 The bad news:

However, if the gust of wind is too strong especially where things in stack #11's open yard starts to "fly" then this will greatly affect both health and wealth for the family members living there.



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 2 months later...

Hi Master Lee, seems that most of the units, have missing sectors especially for the 2 bedroom and 2+1 units. If to decide which sector to forgo, which would have the least impact? If the favourable sector is in the SW, is it ok to have the kitchen also located in the southwest sector given that the door and the kitchen are together in the same sector? I noticed that there are 2 roads leading out to the Serangoon North Ave 1 which are roads leading into the carparks of the flats opposite the condo site, is this considered as poison arrows to Blk 3? Appreciate if you could enlighten me on this. Thanks!


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These are some considerations:-

1. Rather than say: "which sector to forgo, instead", focus on these two considerations or exceptions:-

1.1. Shapes and Forms : Location, location and Location = 70 %

1.2 Eight House & Flying Star Feng Shui with emphasis on 阳宅三要 or Yang Zhai San Yao = 30%


1.2.1 The three major (sub) considerations in a home: 1. Frontage, 2. the Kitchen & 3. Main Bedroom & if got family members, a unit which is also favourable. And try to get a unit which has as many of the above right. 

1.2.2 The above equals to 100 marks. 

2. Sha Qi

2.1 The two roads = more to do with stigma unless it is a ground floor unit which is facing especially the road exiting the HDB.

stigma.gif.7f752f6185c7eabc14866a8eb592fb13.gif2.2 What is this STIGMA?

2.3 In many past forum messages, I wrote that if say a landed property home faces a T junction, there is a remote possibility that a run-away vehicle may plough into a home's main gate or fencing and enter into a landed property.

2.3.1 This also depends on whether which country one is in. Left or Right hand drive vehicles.

2.4 Because of the above, there is a stigma attached to even a home "UP-UP" in the sky!

More case studies of houses at T junction:

2.5 The test is whether a vehicle can fly over firstly the pathway, plough through the fence and even after than go through trees or plants (if any) and into the PES and then into a condo unit? You think can or not?

2.6 Or a vehicle can fly into a 2nd or 3rd storey unit facing this road leading out of the HDB or not?

2.7 If all above is not possible then from this: what is the worry?

3. The worry starts when everyone automatically associates the "two roads" with Para 3.1!

3.1. Often cannot change the minds of those who have a hazy concept that it purely affects landed properties. But go convince those and even some Feng Shui practitioners. For example: if resale and a potential buyer views the unit.. they will like what you wrote.. based on hardcore STIGMA say that the unit is inauspicious. Even if actually.. not affected. Again, how to convience a stubborn COW?

4. Flow of Qi.

4.1. Not likely, here. But if wind somehow seems to unobstructed and again due to high and low pressure zones, if somehow, very strong winds come.. even items at the Personal Enclosed Space (PES) starts to move or too windy at the balcony... during such a time either if there is a external zip track or external blinds draw it or close the doors.

4.2. This also can happen at any other developments without such a road(s) facing a unit. For example, because of the way the stacks in a block are placed, many clients at The Trilinq feedback that even their outdoor table and chairs can even fly everywhere.

5. Other matters:

5.1. This may not be affected by what you wrote. But is from observations.

5.2. It has to do firstly with busy road junctions. Here, there is a more likely chance of hearing screech marks of tires or near misses. And if one's unit is facing this cross junction, then it can be irritating to hear such effects. 

5.3. Since this is a two way service road less likely or none at all. Given that the speeds should be reduced and if proper signals are given. 

6. In conclusion: Why then give oneself all the hassle! Simply skip these stacks/units.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Master Lee,

Thanks so much for the detailed explanation! Appreciate it! Looks like not much choices left for 2-bedroom units except maybe stack 29. Even the smaller 3-bedroom units in block one are also limited in the selection of units - Stack 11, 12, 2 and 3. Stack 11 & 12 are near the BBQ area (unless they use the modern smokeless BBQ grill) and Stack 11 likely to have the kitchen in the NW. Stack 2's bedroom may be located in a unfavourable location for a west group resident (N or NE). I'm still trying to ascertain the actual north reading as when I took an actual site, it seems to be slightly different from the north shown on the sales brochure. The north seems to be tiled more towards the right. But I may be wrong as I took the reading from outside the construction site and uses a mobile phone. 

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Case Study: How accurate is The Garden Residences Sales Brochure site plan vs streetdirectory.com?

1. In my opinion, the most accurate streetdirectory map is from onemap.sg. As this local map uses the gov.data.sg survey map. This is why, the outlines of the blocks in any development is usually shown on their maps close to T.O.P. Or in many instances appear a month or more after T.O.P.

2. One can understand why. This is because, by logic and reasoning, only after the outline is physically built-up that it is then placed on their map.

3. The next best alternative before T.O.P. is to use the streetdirectory.com map. It is not perfect but there are many instances that when I use it to compare with the sales brochure, there are glaring differences. And so far, the streetdirectory map is more accurate than the Sales brochure's map. Or rather, in 10 out of 10 instances, the streetdirectory map later compared with the onemap.sg are similar. On occasions is just 1 to 3 degrees difference and within acceptable Flying star tolerance.

4. By now, usually the outline of say The Garden Residences of the blocks should appear. But it is still not available.

5. One way to do a quick ball-park check is to find some way of checking some parameters.

6. What I did was to try to see if the X - Y axis of the sales brochure matches it with that of the streetmap.com apparently they match.

TGR x and y.gif

6.1 In the above instance, they matched properly. The only thing is hopefully the developer had aligned each block within the sales brochure exactly.

6.2 I did a booklet on what is the main reason why if the wrong technique is used even on an iphone... your readings may get all messed up....

7. From now I believe in this statement: " A bad workman blame their tools!" Not that the Sales Brochure North marking is wrong. 

8. Flying Star Feng Shui of S3 facing stacks:


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study:  The inaccuracy of The Minton Sales Brochure Site map & the danger of relying totally on the Sales Brochure Site plan. 

Why I always do this: The Minton Sales Brochure Site map vs Streetdirectory.com with Onemap.sg's maps 

1. Based on the North marking on the attached The Minton Sales Brochure: 

1.1. Lets take a look at Block 14A.

1.2. Based on the Sales brochure, the block / stacks facing south shows a compass reading of 186 degrees:


2. Not totally relying on the above, I plot the protractor on streetdirectory.com's map and found that the reading was instead of 173 degrees.


3. I decided to use a third source: onemap.sg using the gov.data.sg map:-


3.1 The protractor reading also shows 172 degrees. And totally coincide with that of streetdirectory.com

4. If I were to use the readings on the Sales Brochure vs that of the other two maps, there is a 186 - 172 degrees = 14 degrees difference! Often, it can change the outcome of the Flying Stars especially if the readings was borderline. And sometimes, instead of a S2 unit, it may even become an S1 unit! The Flying stars for these two are totally different!

5. Fortunately, in this example: since S2 chart is based on 172.5 degrees to 187.4 degrees, a unit at block 14A still falls under S2. Often, one is not so lucky. 

6. The morale of the story is: "Not to completely trust the Sales Brochure Site map". At least try to confirm the readings with another streetmap.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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11 hours ago, KST said:

Dear Master Lee,

Thanks so much for the detailed explanation! Appreciate it! Looks like not much choices left for 2-bedroom units except maybe stack 29. Even the smaller 3-bedroom units in block one are also limited in the selection of units - Stack 11, 12, 2 and 3. Stack 11 & 12 are near the BBQ area (unless they use the modern smokeless BBQ grill) and Stack 11 likely to have the kitchen in the NW. Stack 2's bedroom may be located in a unfavourable location for a west group resident (N or NE). I'm still trying to ascertain the actual north reading as when I took an actual site, it seems to be slightly different from the north shown on the sales brochure. The north seems to be tiled more towards the right. But I may be wrong as I took the reading from outside the construction site and uses a mobile phone. 

Case Study: Please note that a kitchen at NW may affect some families more than others. If the breadwinner is a female ... ( in general) lesser extent...

Case Study: You also wrote: "The north seems to be tiled more towards the right. But I may be wrong as I took the reading from outside the construction site and uses a mobile phone."

Don't know how to take proper compass readings...is it? Say so...

Erh.. please don't blame that SMART-phone of yours!  LOL LOL LOL LOL!


Case Study:  Understand that there is a proper technique in taking proper compass readings! Learn why....

Extracts from Geomancy.net Book on the proper way of using the compass:

Flying Stars - Using an Ordinary Compass - Book 1 2016-11-002_4.png

Please ignore the above Instructions in orange as those pages are not replicated, here...

Flying Stars - Using an Ordinary Compass - Book 1 2016-11-002_5.png

Flying Stars - Using an Ordinary Compass - Book 1 2016-11-002_6.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 6 months later...
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1 hour ago, PT123 said:

Hi Master Lee, could you explain why the layout for block one is bringing down the score compared to the other blocks behind? Is it due the facing direction? Thank you! 


13945869_badreviewsonTheGardenResidences.thumb.png.fceb2251288b5629f607c78bed9685f4.pngIn my opinion, under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui Block 1 is like a "thorn amongst the roses.

As it is like a lost child "breaking" away or not in balance with the rest of the other blocks.

Because of the location of Block 1, it cases a bottleneck at the red "X" shown between it and Block 7

Being a "bad boy" or rouge block, units at Block 7 (pool facing) tend to have poorer (views) and even the corner of the Block 1 as shown in another illustration is also aimed towards ... a stack at Block 7.

Thus this Block 1 is considered a "bad boy".

TGR x and y.gif

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 8 months later...

Hi Master,

Any views about stack 39? I heard that kitchen should be in the east or south east of the building, which fits. So are the toilets. And it has unblock view of serangoon garden. But being not a fengshui-know-all, dont know if there are any hidden points. Thanks!

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3 hours ago, GCL said:

Hi Master,

Any views about stack 39? I heard that kitchen should be in the east or south east of the building, which fits. So are the toilets. And it has unblock view of serangoon garden. But being not a fengshui-know-all, dont know if there are any hidden points. Thanks!

Look at Case Study 12 or do a search for Sha qi or poison arrows.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/10/2018 at 8:48 AM, Cecil Lee said:

Part 5 - Poison arrow or sharp corner from Block 1 stack 11 aimed towards Block 7 stack 36 and from Block 5 stack 28 aimed towards Block 1 stack 09



1. Two stacks in The Garden Residences that has a sharp corner aimed towards a stack: 

Block 1 stack 11 aimed towards Block 7 stack 36. 
Block 5 stack 28 aimed towards Block 1 stack 09.

2. Given this consideration, try not to select these two stacks, if possible. 

3. For now, it is difficult to determine whether this sharp corner is aimed towards any opening of stack 36. 

4. What happens if the sharp corner is aimed towards an opening?

4.1 If the opening is a window, less of an issue as one may draw the curtains or blinds. But if the sharp corner is aimed towards an opening such as a living room balcony opening, then this is harder or that it may be impractical to draw down the external blinds 24/7 unless one really don't mind this.

5. The only way to know is when the development has T.O.P. and one is inside the unit to do a check.

Hi Master Lee, wish to check what to take note if we have already selected a unit at Block 7 stack 36, high floor. 

We selected this stack as this is the only stack available with high floor. 

Appreciate if you can advice us some ways to counter the effect of sharp corner from block 1. Thanks!

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2 hours ago, Jason Lin said:

Hi Master Lee, wish to check what to take note if we have already selected a unit at Block 7 stack 36, high floor. 

We selected this stack as this is the only stack available with high floor. 

Appreciate if you can advice us some ways to counter the effect of sharp corner from block 1. Thanks!

Frankly, I have already provided this advice:-

"4. What happens if the sharp corner is aimed towards an opening?

4.1 If the opening is a window, less of an issue as one may draw the curtains or blinds. But if the sharp corner is aimed towards an opening such as a living room balcony opening, then this is harder or that it may be impractical to draw down the external blinds 24/7 unless one really don't mind this.

5. The only way to know is when the development has T.O.P. and one is inside the unit to do a check."

711757906_standinsidemaindoorlookingoutwards1_thumb_png_be67c3e963e2cdf86a0b60f93ccfe16a.png.ba1183738940ac558ebf00914a8eee34.png1. Please re-read my earlier comments above. For all you know, it may not be a threat if you look at Para 4.1.-:)

2. There is no difference as to how high the floor is if the two blocks are of the same height. Unless of course, your unit happens to be higher than Block 1.

3. What it it is aimed towards the living room balcony?-;( Well hope for the best.

3.1. But wait a moment.. no need for Habit 1?

3.1. Don't become a victim of being a Headbanger.  




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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3 hours ago, Jason Lin said:

Hi Master Lee, wish to check what to take note if we have already selected a unit at Block 7 stack 36, high floor. 

We selected this stack as this is the only stack available with high floor. 

Appreciate if you can advice us some ways to counter the effect of sharp corner from block 1. Thanks!

Similar but not idential at Tampines Trilliant EC







Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎7‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 9:24 AM, Cecil Lee said:

Part 6 - External Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, the flow of Qi: Of funnels & bottle necks


1. There is both a funnel effect and a bottleneck at location marked as "X". 

2. There is the good and bad news:

3. The good news: 

In general low wind conditions, such as a "nice" calm and constant cooling wind will be great Feng Shui for Block 1 stack #11, Block 7 stacks #29 and #36.

3.1 The bad news:

However, if the gust of wind is too strong especially where things in stack #11's open yard starts to "fly" then this will greatly affect both health and wealth for the family members living there.



Hi Master Lee,

Based on your review stack 39 or stack 38 will have a better facing  for fengshui  in general?

For instance if have chosen stack 39 due to facing landed which is also unblock eg above storey 7 onwards, can i say that the fengshui properties at different level will have different impact/effect to the sole bread winner?

Many thanks !





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These are some considerations:

You wrote: Based on your review stack 39 or stack 38 will have a better facing  for fengshui  in general?


1. Feng Shui is not one size fits all as per my previous reply.

2. Yang Zhai San Yao is used to determine whether say #38 or #39 is better. This is usually the most important weightage for an individual = Main Door / Frontage, Kitchen and Bedroom. This is definitely not identical for all persons.

2.1. Another factor is the afternoon sun. For me, for whatever reason, I will avoid a unit facing the afternoon sun ... if I can. This is technically not directly Feng Shui. More to personal dislike.

3. Else, you might as well do this:

3.1. Get a coin say Heads = #38 ; Tails #39.

3.2. Okay how about I am undecided with 6 stacks! Use a dice. This is another perfect solution.


4. You wrote:  also unblock eg above storey 7 onwards,

4.1. Facing a landed property, yes, safest is at least 6 storeys and above. As some landed properties can one fine day turned into a private apartment. Here, the maximum built up is 5 storeys + Atrium or attic. Thus usually a normal condo is 2.7 metres high can easily clear this 5 + 1 height.

4.2. Please note that Flying Star Feng Shui comes in two flavours: Horizontal Flying Stars and this is called Vertical Flying stars:-



Here an input of say #07-39 can yield some significance.

5. In addition, another consideration is to plot the Horizontal or regular Flying Star Feng Shui to check each sector and significance in relation to say #38 vs #39 etc...

6. The science of Feng Shui is not like post two lines of questions and PRESTO! The next visit, you get all your answers.

7. The saying "NO PAIN NO GAIN". Of course, the easiest out is to Flip a coin: Heads = 38. Tails = 39. This is the lazy way of doing it.

8. Look here:-


9.  Besides Yang Zhai San Yao, External Feng Shui many other factors are also looked at.

10. As the luck period will change from around 2023, the wealth sectors also plotted and considered.




For example under Case Study 1: Identifying Health Issues early in the Master Bedroom (If any)

Major concepts:
a. Eight House Concept: Who sleeps where?
b. Flying Star Feng Shui: NW MS#5 W#2 (Nasty Stars)

c. Ba Zi Feng Shui: Binding elements (colours)
d. Shapes & Forms: Poison arrow from sharp corner of ward-rope

1. In this illustration: #5 = misfortune with #2 sickness affects the health of women.

2. This issue was identified and this flaw can be discussed with the client as one of the considerations to take note of should they still want to go through with the purchase of this unit.


Don't buy a home and suddenly confronted with #5 misfortune and sickness and #2 sickness stars (Flying Stars) in the master bedroom.

Thus if one does not look at sector by sector how to say generally #39 or #38 is better?

This is why I say "NO PAIN NO GAIN". LOL


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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