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Preliminary application of Feng Shui Triage


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Dear Master,

I am trying to apply your Feng Shui Triage to compare the 2 following floor plans, would really appreciate it if you can advise whether my analysis and conclusions are correct.


Unit A with NE door:

Negatives: Toilet in the centre, Disaster at the Door, Irritation in Master Bedroom, study in between 2 toilets

Positives: Excellent in Kids rooms, Longevity in Kitchen, Prosperity at Dining Area, Health in Living Room, Death in North-West missing corner, Spook in Toilet


Unit B with NW door:

Negatives: Toilet in the centre, Death at the Door, Irritation in Master Bedroom, Spook in Dining area, Prosperity in Toilet, study in between 2 toilets

Positives: Excellent in Kids rooms, Longevity in Kitchen, Disaster in North-East missing corner, Heath in Master Bedroom


Unit A is good as it has more positives compared to negatives. Unit B is bad as negatives are more than positives. Conclusion: can buy Unit A but cannot buy Unit B.





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Thanks These are some considerations:

1.  阳宅三要 or Yang Zhai San Yao

The three major considerations in a home: Main Door or Frontage, the Kitchen & Bedrooms ( and their suitability to the main breadwinner and if possible each family member’s)

2. You have done the comparison, that is good. 

3. Many  Professional Feng Shui Masters, don’t just look at this simplistic model and then come to a premature conclusion.

4. You are missing:-

4.1. Location, location and location: External and internal Shapes and Forms. This accounts for 70 percent of the considerations or decisions.

4.2. The other Compass School: What you applies Eight House concept only accounts for 15% of the total of 100 marks. What happens to the other 15% based on Flying Stars?

5. To summaries:

Location, Location, Location = 70%. The bulk is the external Feng Shui, followed by the site or building. Although you looked at some smaller issues such as toilet at the centre, missing corner(s)... that is just not good enough.

Eight House = 15%

Flying Stars = 15%

6. Furthermore, you have not stated who is the main breadwinner.

6.1 If it is a male; are you aware that for one of the charts: the kitchen is at NW.

6.2 If not sure why, do a search for “Fire at Heaven’s Gate”.

7. Therefore, tell me how am I going to advice on such rudimentary /superficial diagnosis. Without looking at the big picture.

8. Although you made good effort; unfortunately, no offence, this is just basic or Primary School Feng Shui at the very best.

8.1 The saying goes: “This is just the Tip of The iceberg. What happens to the other 90% that is still under the water.”



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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