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Is keeping plants and flowers in the kitchen bad


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Dear Anon,
1. Before the `globalisation' of Feng Shui, Hong Kong Feng Shui Masters tend to advise on the use of fish tanks to neutralise Sha Qi.
For example, if there there is a lone lamp post outside the window, they would advise their clients to place a fish tank (in a broad sense, water element) to neutralise the lone lamp post.
2. Taiwan Feng Shui Masters usually advise the use of plants.
So in the `past', the advice coming from a FS Master from Taiwan would be `different' from Hong Kong.
If you were to ask a FS Master from Taiwan, your answer would be `Yes' it is ok to place plants in the home.
3. Like taking food, it is best to moderate and not over eat.
You have to ask yourself the question from your heart. If you are truly a plant lover, it is really fine to have plants inside the house. But not a jungle.
4. The question I asked is that if you place a plant, make sure, you water it and really take care of it. Here, a plant lover would instinctively do.
But if one merely thinks that plants are a means to improve wealth, it no longer becomes an `interest' in taking care of the plant but, if I can say a reluctance to take care unless one has the time. In no time, the plant would die.
5. This is the same questioned asked by some Feng Shui practitioners of users keeping fish. What happens if the fish dies? Is pouring water away (same as pouring away wealth or gold?).
6. In the past, before, Fast Food Feng Shui or one knowing too much or too much without a purpose.
What happened was that a Feng Shui Master evaluated a land. Once the house was built, under an auspicious time etc... He is paid and one carries on with their life `fruitfully' focusing on our personal goals. Not look at `petty' things or situations.
Unfortunately, under Pillars of Destiny, some of us have better fate than others. Some people, prospher and prospher and lead a good life but others have to slog and slog. This is one component we must remember.
Thus no matter how much one tries to `enrich' oursleves if our fate is one who needs to work hard for a living, no matter how excellent our Feng Shui, it is my opinion, you need to work really hard or for some near impossible to get rich. But lead a simple but fruitful life.
The Pillars of Destiny reflects thisi.e. those born with a silver lining, average life or one born to work very hard.
So why chase after the elusive wealth. Life is short. `Wealth' can be other forms like happiness, family etc...
Warmest Regards,

On 2/23/00 5:39:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
If one has a huge kitchen. Is
keeping plants and flowers in
the kitchen bad. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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