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Wealth Career Sector under Pillars of Occupation


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I've read the report on my career. One of the wealth careers (wood) suitable for me is related to TRANSPORT. So, is it favourable for me to work as an Accounts Executive in an Automobile company, such as SM Motor, Cycle & Carriage, etc?
Could you advise? Thanks.
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  • Staff

Dear Alice,
1. Usually, the Pillars of Occupation report will indicate the type of career and that it should be in `frequent contact with'.
Perhaps, you may like to check to see if the `Wealth career' has to be in frequent contact with another element.
For example, Accounting under the Five Elements Concept is considered the Metal element.
2. Previously, jobs are easier to define and not as `complex' as today's where we may perform multi-skills in one job.
3. Our emphasis of using the Pillars is more geared towards, the Feng Shui portion of precisely determing a person's element and its strength and using the season of strength under the Luck Pillars to further provide a `larger' picture and understanding of any enhancements or cures for the users/clients.
4. As many users have also requested for various other modules related to Pillars of Destiny such as `Pillars of Occupation', we have provided it also.
Presently, I can only say that it is harder today to properly determine the exact element of each occupation as it may consists of a few elements.
For now, one way of finding the element for a specific job is to find the main skill involved and thus consider this the element of the job.
For example, as you had mentioned an Accounts Executive job; if it is related to accounting, currently this is considered a Metal element occupation. However, sometimes titles may be misleading and the job may be more focused on Accounting entry using a computer. The job then may not be considered of the metal element.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/10/00 1:16:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I've read the report on my
career. One of the wealth
careers (wood) suitable for me
is related to TRANSPORT. So,
is it favourable for me to
work as an Accounts Executive
in an Automobile company, such
as SM Motor, Cycle & Carriage,
Could you advise? Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Staff

Dear Alice,
Nowadays, it is harder to apply Pillars of Occupation as I mentioned earlier that much of our work or for white collar workers much of our work relates / involves the computer.
In general, we should still take into consideration our `core' work e.g. Accounting work.
Overall, one way to look at it is that we should consider computers as tools to aid in our work. It is not like one who does computer programming but rather, most of us are simply users of ready made software such as Microsoft Word, Excel etc...
Warmest Regards,

On 3/13/00 6:57:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
What element is it if
computers are
used in accounting work?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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