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Aquarium request from my children


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Dear Cecil, my children have asked if they can keep some goldfish - I have heard that keeping eight gold or red goldfish and one black goldfish is very good feng shui luck. If I say yes, where would be the best place in the house to keep the fish. I have also heard that a water feature in bedrooms is not a good idea, otherwise I would let the children keep the tank in their bedroom.
Love and light,
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Dear Colleen,
1. Yes, it is not adviseable to keep fishes in the bedroom.
2. To answer your question as to where to keep fishes, usually, this is looked into in relation to a person's (especially the breadwinner's Ba Zhi) and cross referenced to the Flying Star of each sector.
For example, if the breadwinner's Ba Zhi is weak fire, it is best to avoid having a water position in the house.
3. Another area we look at is the Flying Star of each sector. Some sectors may be out of balance and adding water may cause further imbalances.
4. Well not to `scare' you in anyway but one can rely on instincts if Para 2 is not followed i.e. find a location which one feels comfortable about.
5. In general, the Chinese like number 8 especially the Cantonese which means `prosperity' and 9 represents longevity.
Some people are concerned with the number of fishes reared especially if it taken to represent each element.
6. Other consideration include the shape of the fish tank, the color of the support stand etc...
If you search past messages about Fish tank, I have mentioned in detail some of the above information, which I have not elaborated here.
Warmest Regards,

On 8/13/00 1:55:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil, my children have
asked if they can keep some
goldfish - I have heard that
keeping eight gold or red
goldfish and one black
goldfish is very good feng
shui luck. If I say yes,
where would be the best place
in the house to keep the fish.
I have also heard that a water
feature in bedrooms is not a
good idea, otherwise I would
let the children keep the tank
in their bedroom.
Love and light,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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