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House Floor Plan


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Hi Cecil,
I wanted to draw a floor plan and upload it so I can get your audited but I have no idea on how to draw a floor plan. I have a stretch of my floor plan but I don't think it's in the proper dimension. How do I draw a floor plan? In your picture tour page, those floor plan are really neat, how can I draw on like that?
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Dear Ann,
There are various softwares, where one could try to draw a layout plan:-
1. The most popular is using Microsoft Word and it's built in line art feature in the software.
Some users had uploaded the file in word .doc with the sketch of their layout plan.
2. Other paint programs and saving the file as either:
The above are equally popular formats.
3. Scanner
Alternatively, ask a friend for assistance to help you scan it using a scanner and saving it into a floppy disk. (After you have sketched a proper layout).
4. The images you usually see under the Picture Tours were mostly scanned by me using any popular scanners eg. HP scanjet or Canon scanners. Just any other brands would do.
Warmest Regards,

On 7/9/2001 3:53:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
I wanted to draw a floor plan
and upload it so I can get
your audited but I have no
idea on how to draw a floor
plan. I have a stretch of my
floor plan but I don't think
it's in the proper dimension.
How do I draw a floor plan? In
your picture tour page, those
floor plan are really neat,
how can I draw on like that?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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I suggest you use Home Plan Pro. Try the shareware version. I think it is
easier to use than MS Word. You can save your designs as bitmap & GIF.
----- Original Message -----
From: free-advice Listmanager
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 2:22 PM
Subject: House Floor Plan

From: "Cecil Lee"
Dear Ann,
There are various softwares, where one could try to draw a layout plan:-
1. The most popular is using Microsoft Word and it's built in line art
feature in the software.
Some users had uploaded the file in word .doc with the sketch of their
layout plan.
2. Other paint programs and saving the file as either:
The above are equally popular formats.
3. Scanner
Alternatively, ask a friend for assistance to help you scan it using a
scanner and saving it into a floppy disk. (After you have sketched a proper
4. The images you usually see under the Picture Tours were mostly scanned
by me using any popular scanners eg. HP scanjet or Canon scanners. Just any
other brands would do.
Warmest Regards,
On 7/9/2001 3:53:00 PM, Ann L. wrote:
>Hi Cecil,
>I wanted to draw a floor plan
>and upload it so I can get
>your audited but I have no
>idea on how to draw a floor
>plan. I have a stretch of my
>floor plan but I don't think
>it's in the proper dimension.
>How do I draw a floor plan? In
>your picture tour page, those
>floor plan are really neat,
>how can I draw on like that?

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Dear Wasis,
Thanks for your advice.
I did a search engine and came up with the URL for the home site of "Home Plan Pro".
You can find out more about this software from their URL:
Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee

On 7/10/2001 6:00:07 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I suggest you use Home Plan
Pro. Try the shareware
version. I think it is
easier to use than MS Word.
You can save your designs as
bitmap & GIF.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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