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Where is the centre of my house?


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The house I live in is rectangular in shape, a 3 storey house with an an integral garage built into the ground floor of the house. There is only a back garden room on the ground floor. I am experiencing difficulties in determining where the centre of the house is as the garage takes up most of the ground floor and leaves an "L" shape and the front door is at the end of the corridor is where the long arm of the "L" is and the garden room is at the back on the shorter arm of the "L". If I divide the "L" into two parts, one part where the corridor is, from here, the front door is facing North East. If I stand in the middle of the garden room at the back, the front door is almost north facing. So what direction is my front door facing?
Many thanks

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Dear Jody,
Thanks for taking the effort to explain in detail. It can be very hard to visualise.
Perhaps, you could either scan a layout or draw a `rough' one and sent as an `Attach file' to this forum with your next message.
Ideally, it should be in gif or jpg format and not more than 0.5 K in size.
Thanks in advance!

On 1/15/99 1:36:04 AM, Anonymous wrote:
The house I live in is
rectangular in shape, a 3
storey house with an an
integral garage built into the
ground floor of the house.
There is only a back garden
room on the ground floor. I am
experiencing difficulties in
determining where the centre
of the house is as the garage
takes up most of the ground
floor and leaves an "L" shape
and the front door is at the
end of the corridor is where
the long arm of the "L" is and
the garden room is at the back
on the shorter arm of the "L".
If I divide the "L" into two
parts, one part where the
corridor is, from here, the
front door is facing North
East. If I stand in the middle
of the garden room at the
back, the front door is almost
north facing. So what
direction is my front door
Many thanks

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thanks for your file attachment:-
1. As there are two files and both looks familiar i.e. plan.doc and
plan1.doc; I updated plan.doc and revised it to " centre.doc".
2. I still have difficulty visualising the layout plan as it looks like it is not
proportionate. For example, the stairs leading to the second floor looks
quite large as compared to the area I marked in Red. Therefore, I hope I
got it right i.e. the space I marked is large enough to be your living room.
3. Normally, we try to leave out the garage that is why, you see that I only
marked out the rectangle area (in red). And once you have the rectangle
area, it is easy to find the center of the house. In the revised ms word doc
" centre.doc "; I had marked the centre of the house in blue color.
Hope that helps.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 9 months later...

I'm trying to find out my sister's element but got rather confused.. would glad that you could advise & enlighten : )
Born : 7/1/69 @ 3am
Kua is 1
Belong to West group
So how to identify the elements?
How to group them strong or weak elements?
What other findings can we get from here by using the Feng Shui concept?

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