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Actual Direction of the Main Door


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Hi Cecil,
Recently, my company hired a feng shui master to conduct feng shui audit on our new corporate office. The master uses the direction of the gate to the building as the facing direction for the office lot to calculate 'flying star' on the floor plan. (There are many different companies in the building.) Shouldn't he use the direction of the main entrance to that particular office lot ( standing inside the office main door facing out towards the lift - if the lift faces the office entrance)? Please explain the logic of this feng shui master's method. Thank you.
Best regards,
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Dear SL,
1. In my opinion, and from what you had related, it would normally not the norm to take the direction of the gate to the building to determine the compass direction i.e. one of the 15degree increments needed in the Flying Star analysis.
2. Sometimes taking the reading of the `gate' may perhaps indicated that the person (FS master) may be looking at the `frontage' (which is not necessarily the front door) or if the practitioner has difficulty in locating the front main entrance.
3. It is my believe that, in most instances, FS practitioners would normally determine the compass direction of your front main entrance and then plot the Flying Star. As you mentioned, this is usually the standard practise.
4. As we are not sure what is the collective system used by the practitioner or that we do not at this moment know his process; it would be best not to second guess.. his/her technique.
Warmest Regards,

On 8/7/2001 9:21:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
Recently, my company hired a
feng shui master to conduct
feng shui audit on our new
corporate office. The master
uses the direction of the gate
to the building as the facing
direction for the office lot
to calculate 'flying star' on
the floor plan. (There are
many different companies in
the building.) Shouldn't he
use the direction of the main
entrance to that particular
office lot ( standing inside
the office main door facing
out towards the lift - if the
lift faces the office
entrance)? Please explain the
logic of this feng shui
master's method. Thank you.
Best regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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