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Sitting under aircon


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Dear SL,
Frankly, in the past, there were no aircon. And we therefore, cannot rely on the past for any information on this.
Overall, based on "commonsense" it would be best for airconditioning to blow "from the side" rather than blowing towards our face e.g. aircon behind the bed headrest or flowing towards our legs towards our face.
This can be quite uncomfortable and may affect our breathing...
Well for wind = money flowing out of the aircon, there is really no harm if one placed coins on the aircon. Coins which represent metal is one of the `safest' materials to use as most of us know that metal element can help to cure `bad earth' elements and `bad wood' elements.
Warmest Regards,

On 9/22/2001 1:50:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
Is it good feng shui to sit
underneath a ceiling air con?
I've read books which say if
we put some old coins in the
air-con duct, the air that
come out of it will symbolize
'water'(money) wind. What do
you think of that?
Best regards, SL

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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