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Update! Pillars of Destiny v6.51

Robert Lee

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Dear Users,
We have made some revision to the Pillars of Destiny module, regarding some errors in the description.
Here are the general guidelines to better use or understanding of the stars found in your charts.
1. Flower of Romance.
Description : This stars represents romance, social meeting or any social life.
This information is particularly useful when it is found in your Luck Pillars:-
Favourable Stars:-
This could mean a chance to meet your suitable partner (not necessarily leading to a marriage).
Unfavourable Stars:-
This could mean that a romance which you have during that year could mean a disaster for you, eg. break up, or unhappiness etc.
2. Movement Star.
Description: This star symbolises travel or movement.
This information is particularly useful when it is found in your Luck Pillars:-
Favourable Stars:-
If your element is represented by the ten deities is your main funds, it could mean that you have a change in your house or car etc.
If your element is represented by the ten deities as your authority, it could mean that you have a change of job.
The example of the above are good changes in your life.
Unfavourable Stars:-
If your element is represented by the ten deities is your main funds, it could mean that you have a change in your house or car etc.
If your element is represented by the ten deities as your authority, it could mean that you have a change of job.
The example of the above means that you face more problems with this change due to unsuitable elements etc. So not advisable to have any changes during this unfavourable stars.
3. Nobleman Stars.
Description : This means a very helpful person or you will meet with someone who helps you.
When found in your Birth Chart:-
This means that you are a very helpful person, and you often get rewarded with the helpful deeds.
This means that you are helpful, but sometimes you may be taken advantage.
When found in your Luck Pillars:-
This means that you will meet up with someone who helps you a lot in that year.
This means that you are taken advantage of by others.
4. Academic Stars.
Description : This normally symbolises excellence in your studies.
This is especially useful when found in your Birth Chart.
Normally only favourable elements are most important. This means that you are often guided by this star so you will do extremely well in your studies.
Otherwise, if unfavourable, you may be distracted by other influence causing you to lose concentration in your studies.
5. Arts Stars.
Description : This often refers to interest in arts or a lonely person.
When found in your birth charts, it normally refers to your excellent in the field of arts. You will generally so great interest in arts and craft.
When found in your Luck Pillars:-
It normally means that you will do extremely well in the field of arts during that period.
It normally means that you will feel lonely during that period.
Hope that helps you make use of these information with the current version of this report.
Most of these analysis will be added into the v7.00. Until then it will have to be manually interpreted.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

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