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Site Update! & Wishing all A Prosperous New Year

Robert Lee

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Dear Users,
Firstly, we would like to wish all users a very prosperous New Year!
You can read our Year 2002 forecast which also includes Flying Star 2002 and Grand Duke 2002 analysis at this URL:-
URL : http://www.geomancy.net/resources/yearly-forecast/forecast-2002.htm
We have made several updates to the website in the past few days:-
1. WEBSITE DISPLAY - We fixed a few display problems which does not properly show the website (as it was designed) in particularly Netscape 4 where the left frame Site Navigation was Justified, which is should be left aligned.) Now it should be properly displayed on different web browser (Netscape 4+, Internet Explorer 4+ and Opera 6)
2. LIVE CHAT - We have also refined this so that we can not page a visitor into chat if there is a need to contact the visitor in case of a chat session termination due to network delays.
URL: http://www.geomancy.net/sitetools/live-chat/live-chat.htm
3. FORUM 10 Ten messages & 10 Updates from Announcement Conference has been created and added to the website so that users can see the latest message being posted, and also quickly access the new message for viewing. We implemented these in the Main Page, Resource Center and Site News.
4. CHINESE ASTROLOGY - As this is considered "Zi Wei Dou Shu" with many issues quite similar to the Ba Zi Earthly Branches / Animal Branch, we felt that rather than separating it like what we have been doing under (lovesigns.net) we have decided to integrate it into Geomancy.Net as one of the sections. This will allow us to better update and link this resources where necessary.
URL: http://www.geomancy.net/love/astrology.htm
5. After gathering several feedbacks from users, we understand that our website is now easier to navigate, but there are few key shortcut links which are not made available at the top level of the Site Navigational Menu. So we have re-fined the site navigation a little so that key sections of the website are now easier to access.
6. PRODUCTS, CONSULTATION, CERTIFICATE COURSE section are now available in the new site design. Only the final shop component is still being upgraded to a new Shop component for better access.
7. My Feng Shui section, we also have refined several of the reports in the My Feng Shui section. What's left is the updating of the site layout for the My FengShui into the new site design.
URL: http://www.geomancy.net/sitetools/members/members.htm
10. POST A CARD - Our My Pictures resources have a Post the picture as a postcard which is now working properly as we have configured the necessary mail component for it to work. So while you are enjoying and learning from the Picture resources, you can also post it to a friend:)
That's about all the updates made in the past few days.
We are still making many updates to the website so that it gets better. And also all older webpage links will be TOTALLY removed very shortly so that you do not get confused with the two different site navigation and design, while also making the entire website very uniform and easier to access the various resources.
Hope you enjoy the various updates!
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
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