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House luck

Christina Ang

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Hi Cecil,
Could U pls advise how to improve on one's home luck in terms of having =to strike 4D for our i.e. house unit numbers, car number, telephone =numbers etc. Since we have been staying in our present house for coming =to 6 years, there is no chance that we ever strike 4D before.
I would like to know how to improve by using feng shui tips etc. Our =house door face South. Our Chinese god - Tao Bai Kong, is sitting (face =- face North & back - face South). In geomantary, I suppose this =sitting position is perfectly right. What went wrong .
Rdgs. Best Wishes.
Christina :)
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Dear Christina,
1. The reason why sometimes we cannot `find' an answer to our `luck' is because Feng Shui should be considered a holistic method.
2. Good Feng Shui analysis normally would help in problem identification such as yours and if done properly would result in good fixes to increase one's luck.
3. What you had mentioned, is more of a case of micro Feng Shui.
4. Here some of the interesting questions are:
4.1 If one is staying in Singapore, a good example are locations. If one pass by good locations or considered auspicious locations generally they are locations where there are many landed properties. Or a constant renewal of new homes and condominums built on these land.
4.2 For example: One excellent site in Singapore is the " Seletar " area. If one drive past this seletar area (along Yio Chu Kang Road) one cannot help notice the number of landed properties and (few if any) government housing boards in sight.
4.3 Why is this? If one drives along Yio Chu Kang road and travel down some of the roads leading to such excellent " Seletar " estates; one notice that the roads are somewhat on a `hill' while these estates are gradient and lower than the Yio Chu Kang Road.
4.4 The secret here is - Does one's property or home sits on a location that can `COLLECT WEALTH'?
4.5 Usually, these locations are lower and somewhat may be described as (if one looks carefully) in a basin.
4.6 As one knows, a basin can collect .. (something). Here, it can be considered as Wealth.
4.7 If an other development happened to be on the fringe of this `basin' and it's wealth seems to drain into the basin, here it is considered " Your wealth is drained towards another or beneifiting others ".
4.8 Such a "basin" is under Shapes and Form Feng Shui considered ' YIN ' but rich in habitat like insects.
5. Thus one can without proper Feng Shui advise, do a million things to enhance one's house but for many years, simply ` no luck'. (Feng Shui refers to our " Earth Luck " which is the luck of our house - land or earth)
6. If luck in the above senario can be cross reference to Destiny (Pillars of Destiny) or `Heaven's Luck' this is even more potent and the combination of this is called " Ba Zi Feng Shui ". A proven and effect method if analysed correctly.
7. Thus, we should not be simply "myopic" or just pay attention only to our interior of the house. The sayings goes " We can do everything for your home but if the surrounding crumples... then... it is all the more worthless to do so. "
Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee

On 1/7/2002 4:59:41 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
Could U pls advise how to
improve on one's home luck in
terms of having =to strike 4D
for our i.e. house unit
numbers, car number, telephone
=numbers etc. Since we have
been staying in our present
house for coming =to 6 years,
there is no chance that we
ever strike 4D before.
I would like to know how to
improve by using feng shui
tips etc. Our =house door
face South. Our Chinese god -
Tao Bai Kong, is sitting (face
=- face North & back - face
South). In geomantary, I
suppose this =sitting position
is perfectly right. What went
wrong .
Rdgs. Best Wishes.
Christina :)

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Christina
As mentioned in the earlier e-mail; sometimes we may need to move out especially if the house is not as suitable to the breadwinners. However, we try not to comment further.
A competent FS practitioner can usually help to identify the situation. If it is due to some things that can be corrected, then, it may help. As no two situations are alike; it is hard for me to mentioned it.
I can recall, situations where; if it is really due to the location and `normal' FS is unable to "cure or correct this "; especially in situations where people face real situations of financial problems. In this situation, they are prepared to `swallow' the bitter pill such as selling their home e.g. a Five Room HDB (govt, housing and development flat) and buying smaller unit i.e. 3 or 4 room flats.
Overall, each case depends and what I mentioned was just to (in my hope) to allow you to understand better that Feng Shui is a holistic method involving both a macro (the landscape and site) and micro Feng Shui (the building and interior of the home).
Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee

On 1/7/2002 8:29:54 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
Thanks a lot for yr
explaination towards the
doubts that I've raised.
=Hence, do U meaning that may
be we need to move house to
another estate? = Or is there
really no chances of getting
simply feng shui tips to
=enhance the entire situation?
Pls. advise.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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