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elements of appliances

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Dear Cecil,
Could you please help me...
What elements do the following belong to?
1. Computer ...(metal?)
2. Wash basin
3. Refridgerator
4. Washing machine.
Can the computer be used as a cure?
Thanking you.
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Dear Seeker,
1. In my opinion, even if we get the element correct for all these appliances, it means very little in the scheme of Feng Shui, today.
2. Another contention is that there are so many varied interpretations of these appliances.
For example, some would say that Computer is of the fire element. (Electricity that goes into it)
While others may say that is of the water element e.g. electricity is fluid.
In your case, it may be felt that it is metal element.
It is very hard to say who is correct or who is entirely wrong.
If one looks at the outer casing of a computer i.e. Central Processing Unit `box' or CPU, many have metal frames to conduct heat. So perhaps this is the idea that it is `metal'?
What about the screen or video display unit? Electricty goes round it. And nowadays, there are the LCD screens and the previous cathode ray screens. How do one classify them?
How do we collectively classify the keyboard, the screen, the cpu unit, the mouse? Difficult rite?
3. The question asked is should we? Take all the trouble to identify these objects? What happens if we get it wrong or rite?
4. Since these objects are secondary to Feng shui, perhaps we all have better things..
Warmest Regards,

On 4/17/2002 5:32:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
Could you please help me...
What elements do the following
belong to?
1. Computer ...(metal?)
2. Wash basin
3. Refridgerator
4. Washing machine.
Can the computer be used as a
Thanking you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Cecil,
I'd like to ask some questions regarding a business element. As we know that the
element of trading is water. But are the things being traded important too? For
example, what is the element of trading electronics parts? Water or metal or fire?
What happens if we trade many things which cover all 5 elements.
If possible, could you please write an article on your web site that contains the
element of each kind of business and career.
Thanks in advance.
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