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Master Bedroom


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Dear Cecil
I hope you can give me some advice on my master bedroom arrangement. My gua no. is 6 and my wife is 9, I know my good directions are bad for my wife but what to do...I married her. So can you advice me on my room layout whether is good or bad based on me and advice some remedies for my wife. My house is facing NW and the bed is also facing NW. I have attached a layout plan of my room.
Thanks a lot.

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Dear Alan,
Yes, based on your attachment, the layout is the most favourable (nw-bedplacement-1.gif) based on Shapes and Form Feng Shui.
An alternative file: nw-bedplacement-2.gif shows the next best alternative (less the placement of the dressing table - as it is a poison arrow aimed partially at the bed. The dressing table should be placed further away or tilted away (if it does not have a dressing mirror on it).
Warmest Regards,

On 5/30/2002 10:59:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil
I hope you can give me some
advice on my master bedroom
arrangement. My gua no. is 6
and my wife is 9, I know my
good directions are bad for my
wife but what to do...I
married her. So can you advice
me on my room layout whether
is good or bad based on me and
advice some remedies for my
wife. My house is facing NW
and the bed is also facing NW.
I have attached a layout plan
of my room.
Thanks a lot.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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