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master bedroom location


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Is it bad really bad to have the master bedroom above the kitchen or garage? Also, I am planning to build a house this year and because of the flying star, I would like to know if it is OK to face south when the star changes in 2004. My husband belongs to the east direction. What is the best location for the house to face and if there is a toilet in the east section of the house, is this OK?
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  • Staff

Dear Anon,
The main consideration - especially on the placement of the main door is to look at the plot of land.
For example, if the land is not flat but there is some sort of hill behind the plot of land, the main entrance must not be placed at the back or facing the hill. This is an important consideration.
Since you have so many concerns, you can look at our International `worry-free' package on layout assessment to suit you and your family member's Ba Zi:-
Warmest Regards,

On 7/26/2002 7:54:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Is it bad really bad to have
the master bedroom above the
kitchen or garage? Also, I am
planning to build a house this
year and because of the flying
star, I would like to know if
it is OK to face south when
the star changes in 2004. My
husband belongs to the east
direction. What is the best
location for the house to face
and if there is a toilet in
the east section of the house,
is this OK?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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