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Castle Gate Theory

Cecil Lee

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The term castle gate simply implies, tilting either the main entrance or main gate at an angle from the road.
The term castle implies, protection.
In these two pictures, these three houses tilt their main gate to take advantage of the `flow of wealth'.
Basically, the road slopes at a gentle gradient towards their house.
By placing their main gates facing this `wealth' area, it is literally like extending an open arm to receiving wealth.
In addition, another advantage is that, any threats (if any) facing the main gates (or area of vulnerability) is reduced or negated.
Tilting the gate or door is a non-confrontable situation. And more of a defensive nature.
These three houses, look set to receive wealth from the opposite house.
In addition, if you notice carefully, these houses have several sized triangle pointed roofs - pointed at it's neighbour to do more damage to the opposite house(s).
These three houses are said to be both on the `defensive' and also on the `offensive'!
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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These three houses are predominantly:-
Metal element houses with water (roof tiles grey) and some protective triangle - fire element.
A house under such a threat should, for example:-
1. Use red brick side walls (fire element) and red clay roof
2. The house under threat should also add pointed protective triangle - fire element for it's roof, garage roof, windows similar to these three houses.
3. The external wall can be painted in an earth colour tone.
Here, fire element can help to control the metal element houses. And earth can help to absorb water back to the house.
4. In addition, a water position properly positioned in the house under threat can help to retain water wealth.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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