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5 Elements


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Dear Cecil
I am trying to understand about the 5 elements.
May I know besides houses, is there a personality clash if let say my
friend's true element is fire and mine is water - does it mean we will not
get along? And is it that such couples even if married, will always
quarrel? Is that what we always say "Ba zi clash"?
Thanks your answer in advance.
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Dear Emily,
1. The Five element concept has what is known as the binding element.
2. For example even if say two person who seems incompatible e.g. Strong Water vs Strong Water, there is always a binding element can help bind both.
In the above example, the binding element for a Strong Water vs Strong Water person is = wood.
3. Therefore, when doing renovations especially in the couple's bedroom, the binding element is wood (brown or green).
4. There is a free report under http://www.geomancy-online.com known as " Comparison Report. This report can help find the binding element based on examples such as the above.
5. In fact, what is mentioned and many, many other concerns we have today is infact thought out by our forefathers.
6. The destructive cycle results in what is also known as "wealth production"
6.1 Some clashes, can alternatively result in wealth.
6.2 For example, a Strong Water's person's wealth is Fire element (especially if the partner is a Strong Fire.
6.3 Although this looks like a `bad clash' but under the Five Elements concept, for example, a husband who is a Strong Water has a wife that is his wealth element (fire). And good for his career.
7. Under Ba Zi, there is what is known as a double and triple combination `clash'.
7.1 Some of these clashes are very favourable. For example, a person could have been considered a weak water person:
7.2 And in his ba zi chart, he has favourable "clashes". For example, his chart has some heavenly and earthly branch that can help his `weak water' example his chart has earth that produces metal that aids his weak water.
7.3 In this very rough analysis, because of this combination, instead of being a weak water, he now becomes a Strong Water person.
7.4 Being strong, allowed him to take advantage of `fire' element which is his wealth element.
8. Given this rough example, I hope one can better understand that like Yin and Yang, clashes can be good or bad.
9. In fact, many of the questions that we modern humans have asked, has been explored deeply by the ancient Chinese.
10. And there should not be any surprises nor someone coming up with modern answers to this.
11. Search hard enough and almost all questions can be answered.
Warmest Regards,

On 2/19/2003 10:21:23 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil
I am trying to understand
about the 5 elements.
May I know besides houses, is
there a personality clash if
let say my
friend's true element is fire
and mine is water - does it
mean we will not
get along? And is it that
such couples even if married,
will always
quarrel? Is that what we
always say "Ba zi clash"?
Thanks your answer in advance.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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