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Eight Trigram & Five Elements


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Dear Cecil,
I'd like to ask you the human organs belonging to each trigram. For example:
Waist = North West, Throat = East.
I've heard that East can symbolize Family also. Is that correct?
Also, can you please mention the symbolization of each element? i.e.: Fire
represents Energetic.
I am asking you this matter because I've heard that balance of five elements
in a particular sector can affect our health, family member and attitude.
For example, if we have too much water in south area we may feel surfeited
easily. On the other hand, too much fire means hyperactive.
Thanks in advance.
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Dear Wasis,
1. You can check out some of my earlier resouces such as:-
2. There is a table showing the significance of what each trigram symbolises, which family member belongs to, etc...
3. Unfortunately, there is very little success rate going by these type of Feng Shui. The rationale is simple: they are too general to be of use to most of us.
4. However, oddly, this is the stuff that book writers are fond of!
And because of the trigram association or life associations, many " Feng Shui " book writers make a living this way.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/4/2003 7:28:36 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
I'd like to ask you the human
organs belonging to each
trigram. For example:
Waist = North West, Throat =
I've heard that East can
symbolize Family also. Is that
Also, can you please mention
the symbolization of each
element? i.e.: Fire
represents Energetic.
I am asking you this matter
because I've heard that
balance of five elements
in a particular sector can
affect our health, family
member and attitude.
For example, if we have too
much water in south area we
may feel surfeited
easily. On the other hand, too
much fire means hyperactive.
Thanks in advance.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Cecil,
I understand that 8 Trigrams are too general. It is like finding the wealth
corner. The reason I asked you that matter because I am interested in a topic in
a fengshui show on a national TV. Once, the topic was water. Water as source of
life cannot be hampered. For example: well. If it is not used any longer, it
cannot be closed without ventilation nor heaped up. Then 2 audiences called. One
said has a closed and unused well in north west. The problems are pain around
waist and the breadwinner died recently. So, the master said North west = waist,
father. The remedies he suggested are installing non-stop lamp above the well or
a pipe so that the well can "breath."
Next, the other called in. She said has quarrel problem. The master said she
must have an unused well in East. That leads to family and throat problems such
as quarrel & slip-tongue. She agreed with him.
Another example:
Fire represents enthusiasm, energetic
too much fire in south = hyperactive
too less fire in south = surfeited
Thus he suggested not to place water in south
As far as I know, the remedies that master suggests are simple: mirror, non-stop
lamp, pipe, etc. He never asks to place figurines or something like Black Sect.
Just like you: fix the leaks first.
Do you agree with his method?
Thanks in advance.
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Dear Wasis,
1. Yes, the land, it is very vital to `control' water below us.
2. This is why, often a pagado was built along water channels below ground to try and neutralise it.
3. It is said that wells contain `spirts' and we have to control it.
4. We have to look at Feng Shui from may facets and angles.
5. In many fields, there are their specialisations. In Feng Shui also, many of us have our specific specialisation - that represents our location.
6. For example, in a vast relatively undeveloped regions, most of the Feng Shui work is related to the land, the `water' on this land such as wells and underground water movements.
7. In built-up regions, we see more double-triple storey landed homes, apartments, of concrete and high-rise buildings.
8. Therefore, a Feng Shui practitioner in a rural setting would see more and thru time, understand more of settings such as what you had mentioned.
9. The key success is therefore: that we (humans) and our dwelling must harmonize with our surroundings. This is the key essence or the fundamentals universal to all who want to apply Feng Shui.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/18/2003 12:22:29 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
I understand that 8 Trigrams
are too general. It is like
finding the wealth
corner. The reason I asked you
that matter because I am
interested in a topic in
a fengshui show on a national
TV. Once, the topic was water.
Water as source of
life cannot be hampered. For
example: well. If it is not
used any longer, it
cannot be closed without
ventilation nor heaped up.
Then 2 audiences called. One
said has a closed and unused
well in north west. The
problems are pain around
waist and the breadwinner died
recently. So, the master said
North west = waist,
father. The remedies he
suggested are installing
non-stop lamp above the well
a pipe so that the well can
Next, the other called in. She
said has quarrel problem. The
master said she
must have an unused well in
East. That leads to family and
throat problems such
as quarrel & slip-tongue. She
agreed with him.
Another example:
Fire represents enthusiasm,
too much fire in south =
too less fire in south =
Thus he suggested not to place
water in south
As far as I know, the remedies
that master suggests are
simple: mirror, non-stop
lamp, pipe, etc. He never asks
to place figurines or
something like Black Sect.
Just like you: fix the leaks
Do you agree with his method?
Thanks in advance.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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