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Coming Soon! Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi) v11.00

Robert Lee

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Dear Users,
For sometime, the Pillars of Destiny v10.01 beta was available for all Pillars of Destiny Premium users. However, it was had never been officially released to replace the v9.00 as it was not quite ready for a complete replacement.
We had been busy enhancing the report in the past week, and the module is now ready to fully replace the v9.00. There were many additional more changes made to the v10.01 (both internally as well as visually), so we had decided to release it officially as v11.00 instead of v10.x.
Key difference (v11.00 vs v9.00)
- v11.00 is more modular, meaning that different parts of the analysis can be extracted as a separate analysis. Also, this makes the report less restrictive for expanding the report. And allow us to work on certain analysis focusing say on Career, or Health issues etc.
- v11.00 integrates not just Ba Zi but also useful analysis from Eight House report. It also allows cross analysis between ba zi information, Eight House information as well as Chinese Horoscope.
- Just as the Auspicious Dates revamp, we also revamp the v11.00 report so that it takes advantage of the CSS/Style formatting. For example, certain Explanation sections are box in a cyan colour box, which visually differentiate the normal analysis portion from the explanation. Making it easy to find the analysis results or explanation.
- The new report is more visually enhanced so that you will be able to quickly find the section you are looking for as well as to be able to tell very quickly if an analysis is good for you or not.
ie. Summary Analysis (using the Score system) was enhanced so that we have a summarised version. In addition, if the period is inauspicious for example, the box highlighting that period will be ie gray for average, blue for auspicious, red for inauspicious). Making it easier to see if the period is good or bad for you.
- More explanation modules are expected to integrate very closely with the report so that you will better understand the report.
Currently, the many new template revision for the v11.00 has been released to replace the v10.01 beta reports section. There are still several new reports which we had disabled them so that we can work privately on it before it is released.
Those new analysis modules will be released together when we officially replace all the links to the v9.00 reports. So look out for it! More details to be released when we launch it officially.
Hope you enjoy the various updates.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research
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