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How Large Is the Free Space Appropriate


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Dear Master Cecil:
In accordance with your advice, there should be some free space in the center of the house for chi to congregate. May I know this free space should be around the center point of the house or in the center grid of the house? And how large is the free space considered to be appropriate?
By the way, the round shape is a metal element in Feng Shui. What about oval? Is oval also a metal element?
Thank you very much.
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Dear Jen,
1. The key ingredient to understanding this is not so much as "how big" or "how wide" the free space is but rather the key word here is "THE FLOW OF QI (CHI)".
2. "Points-of-entry"
Where possible a home should have as many as 3-4 points-of-entry.
For example, in apartments; many good apartments e.g. Point-Block flats, have at least three facing directions or directions where air can flow into the home.
For example, one area is the balcony area, the other is the main door area, the other is from the kitchen. The other is from the bedrooms etc...
The more air entry and exit points, the better for a home. As it allows qi or air to circulate (healthy) in a home.
3. Coming back to the centrepoint.
Frankly, I don't care whether or want to measure how big or wide the centre clear space is.
BUT rather, with a clear space at the centrepoint; and depending on the time-of-day, air from various directions (windows) or openings can flow thru the home, passing thru / via centrepoint towards other areas; and vice-versa.
This is truly, the meaning of a classic case of good air/qi flow.
4. Conclusion:
When we look at a home, we should thus look at the bigger picture - and relate it to `qi flow'.
For example, it is not about buying a vehicle. But rather, making sure that e.g. the vehicle is safe to ride in. Herein lies the difference....
Warmest Regards,

On 11/3/2003 10:18:52 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master Cecil:
In accordance with your
advice, there should be some
free space in the center of
the house for chi to
congregate. May I know this
free space should be around
the center point of the house
or in the center grid of the
house? And how large is the
free space considered to be
By the way, the round shape is
a metal element in Feng Shui.
What about oval? Is oval also
a metal element?
Thank you very much.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Jen,
Please refer to the attached illustration.
This illustration gives a useful idea of how important "clear space" at the centre-area of the home.
Clear space at the centre-area can help the movement of qi (during the entire day). Where during a day, air flow can sometimes come from "one side" e.g. in the day, it can come from the balcony, bedroom area, while the evenings it may come from other areas.
It is very good to have a home that has air flow (please see the red lines) all over the house.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Further to what I had mentioned,
Does it matter how large the Free Space Is?
Another case study of centerpoint with clear space.....
Attached, please find another illustration showing "clear space" at the centrepoint or flux of the home:
1. Although the toilet is quite close to the centrepoint (fortunately) IT IS NOT at the centrepoint. The saying goes "a (fortunate) miss is as good as a mile".
2. The centrepoint is clear space. And if we look at the layout plan, it is thus advantages for this centrepoint to be clear space. Where, air-entry points from nearly any windows of the house can bring in or bring out air. Be it from the balcony, main entrance, kitchen, bedrooms etc...
3. Here, just like the earlier sample, we can close our eyes and imagine that air pockets flux at this centrepoint.
4. The advantages of a Partition between the main entrance and the balcony
4.1 Here, qi cannot flow directly out of the house: from either the main entrance or the balcony or vice versa.
4.2 The partition, strategically position under the RED marking, allows qi (red lines) to be "diverted" towards the centrepoint or flux of the home.
5. Thus, I hope by now, you have a good grounding as to why, it is advantages for the centrepoint to be of "clear space". And it does not matter how wide it is. This is not the main issue - or key success factor.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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