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Worried about Grand Duke


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I'm quite concerned about the effect the Grand Duke Jupiter will have on me for 2004.
As a Tiger (1962), I believe I'm already going to have a tough year of the Monkey. Circumstances seem to be conspiring to have me do work around the house in the SW next year.
1) My front yard was destroyed by a storm and looks very bad. I would like to replace the lost tree with a new one and replace the 3x2 metres of grass, maybe add some flowers. This would be in the SW of the property, being SW of my home.
2) The bathroom needs renovations (new tub, at least). The bathroom is in the SW corner of the home on the second floor.
Am I asking for trouble here? Would the Grand Duke really be offended by the addition of some beautiful plants? (right now the front yard a muddy pile of dirt).
What can I do to appease these elements in 2004?
My house faces w-sw (I'm kua 4 female) and I don't know what period. It was built in 1907 but has had extensive renovations over the last 5-15 years.
Thank you for any advice
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Dear Chris,
1. For reference:
Grand Duke is located at-
2003 Year of Ram South-South-West, 210 Degree West
2004 Year of Monkey West-South-West, 240 Degree South
2. Stand at the centrepoint of your home.
3. Use an ordinary compass to find the correct direction.
4. Hopefully, the location, mentioned below is not 240 degrees. If so, replant now.
5. If the direction is 210 degrees, than wait for next Lunar Year, safer anytime after middle of February 2004 to do the replanting.
Hope the above helps.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/5/2004 8:47:44 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I'm quite concerned about the
effect the Grand Duke Jupiter
will have on me for 2004.
As a Tiger (1962), I believe
I'm already going to have a
tough year of the Monkey.
Circumstances seem to be
conspiring to have me do work
around the house in the SW
next year.
1) My front yard was destroyed
by a storm and looks very bad.
I would like to replace the
lost tree with a new one and
replace the 3x2 metres of
grass, maybe add some flowers.
This would be in the SW of the
property, being SW of my home.
2) The bathroom needs
renovations (new tub, at
least). The bathroom is in the
SW corner of the home on the
second floor.
Am I asking for trouble here?
Would the Grand Duke really be
offended by the addition of
some beautiful plants? (right
now the front yard a muddy
pile of dirt).
What can I do to appease these
elements in 2004?
My house faces w-sw (I'm kua 4
female) and I don't know what
period. It was built in 1907
but has had extensive
renovations over the last 5-15
Thank you for any advice

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Further to what I had mentioned, please note the exact Lunar New Year dates:
1 Feb 2003 to 21 Jan 2004
22 Jan 2004 to 8 Feb 2005
Thus, Lunar New Year 2004 starts from 22 Jan 2004.
Therefore, the Grand Duke for 2004 starts from/on 22 Jan 2004 and NOT 1 Jan 2004. Please take note of this.
Source: Lovesigns.net
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Note: Chinese New Year (CNY)
Dear Chris,
Yes, not to add salt to old wounds, based on Chinese Astrology readings, next year is the most unfavourable for:
Rank 1 = Those born in the Year of the Monkey
Rank 2 = Those born in the Year of the Tiger
Where the Money will be "offending" the Tai Sui. While the Tiger will conflict with the Tiger.
For Chinese business, for 2004, it is recommended that the first day of business is the 2nd day of Lunar New Year or Friday, 23 January 2004.

On 1/5/2004 8:47:44 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I'm quite concerned about the
effect the Grand Duke Jupiter
will have on me for 2004.
As a Tiger (1962), I believe
I'm already going to have a
tough year of the Monkey.
Circumstances seem to be
conspiring to have me do work
around the house in the SW
next year.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Cecil,
Please see below:

Rank 1 = Those born in the Year of the Monkey
Rank 2 = Those born in the Year of the Tiger
Where the Money will be "offending" the Tai Sui.
While the Tiger will conflict with the Tiger.
For Chinese business, for 2004, it is recommended that the
first day of business is the 2nd day of Lunar New Year or Friday,
23 January 2004.

Is the ba zi of the owner taken into account?
And how about the ritual of new business opening? How should the owner do?
What is the auspicious time?
Thanks in advance.
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Dear Wasis,
Enclosed, below, an extract of my message posted in this forum 2 years ago:-
Posted in: Info :: Feng Shui Tips & Guidelines
on Friday, January 04, 2002 01:25 AM
Office Warming (like Home warming) is considered an essential part in bringing good Qi and luck for the occupants in the new premises.
Another major consideration (or superstition) is to `ward' off evil spirits.
1. First, an auspicious day and time is chosen for the move. If one does not consult a FS practitioner, than a good date is usually the 15th day of each lunar month. up. (Full moon).
2. On that day, all windows, openings, grilles or opening in the walls and if there is skylight into the building, it has to be be covered up e.g. with black paper. The duration of this `black-out' is for an hour before the Office Warming Starts.
3. Make sure that all electrical lightings and power (power-points) are switched offered during this time.
4. Often, the tradition of a red cloth banner is hung over the front door.
Here is the interesting part:-
5. When it is nearing the time for the office warming, the owner or the manager would start the charcoal stove by lighting it up ..the coal and make sure that the charcoal is burning hot. This symbolises " boom " in business.
6. At the precise time (that was chosen), the owner has to place the stove at the centre of the main entrance. He has to walk over the stove with his left foot first, then followed by his right foot. His employees follow him behind and do the same.
7. The owner opens the main entrance door and takes down the red banner.
8. The black paper covering windows etc.. are quickly removed to welcome the `light' coming in.
9. Now, the power or lightings are switched on.
10. It is the belief that during this ceremony, all office employees stay around and should not leave the premises - symbolic of maintaining harmony.
Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear All,
In the event that a company wants to replace an existing company signage outside the shop.
For example, the company has a new company logo and signage and needs to replace this with a new one.
Some business would request the signage contractor to:
Step 1: remove the existing signage and place it on the top rung of the staircase.
Step 2: Put on the new company signage.
Step 3: Only after having placed the new company signage, then, bring down the old signage.
This is because, it is felt that removing the existing company signage IMMEDIATELY (especially for a going-concern) is akin of company "close-down" or collapsing. Thus, this is considered a `bad omen'.
This has more to do with beliefs than actual Feng Shui.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Wasis,
Earlier, the opening of business on a second day is meant to be an overall (general) date for most business on the whole without considering the date for the owner.
Sometimes, if boss distingtively, is concerned about his/her own business, and who "reign supreme" in the business, would like you have mentioned, find a ba zi date that is suitable to him/her (the owner).
Often the time is either based on:
1. phonetic sounding timing
This is a practical approach since, a business can open at a normal timing, to suit most employees.
2. Based on Ba Zi of the owner
Here, sometimes, it is trickly to open business at a time not suited to the employees.
Luckily for a person with the Rat (Chinese zodiac sign) his best hours are the Monkey or Dragon hours.
Since dragon hours are 7am to 8.59am, he could select this timing. Since 3 to 4.59pm is kind of late to open business.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/10/2004 8:23:11 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Is the ba zi of the owner
taken into account?
And how about the ritual of
new business opening? How
should the owner do?
What is the auspicious time?
Thanks in advance.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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