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Center of Garden


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Dear Master Lee:
Master Lam Kam Chuen says that the front and backyard of one's house should reflect the energies of the four animals. He states that the center should be kept clear. Do you agree with this? We recently planted an orange tree in the center of our backyard - from a visual perspective, it seems to make sense there. Should we move it?
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Dear Regina,
Let your fingers do the walking......to....
Please visit this message:-
Posted in: Discuss :: Free Advice (General Feng Shui)
on Monday, January 07, 2002 08:06 AM
Dear Susan,
1. Attached, please find a graphic illustration of the " rectangular " court-yard + the Chinese (mandarin) character for tree.
2. The two combined is called " KUN " or trapped or imprisoned.
3. This is another aspect of Symbolism in Feng Shui.
4. For such a court-yard, it would be tempting to have some trees in this centre-court yard and thus - one has to be really careful of the implication of it.
Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee
Under this message, one can see a graphic illustration of the word KUN or trapped or imprisoned.
Although your home is a U shaped layout, many "Shapes and Forms Practitioners" like Master Lam, you had mentioned, would prefer "clear-space" at the centerpoint.

Do you
agree with this?
By far, your questions are always "aggressive" questions. Hopefully, you are not like this *JOKE*.

This is because, your questions are often YES or NO type of answer.
Can I instead introduce a "lamp post" to the answer?
In my opinion, I would prefer that all "guidelines" could fall under:-
1. YES
2. NO
This is because, in a conference, like this, it is never a case of MUST OR DEFINITELY. Often, it depends.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/13/2004 4:32:32 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master Lee:
Master Lam Kam Chuen says that
the front and backyard of
one's house should reflect the
energies of the four animals.
He states that the center
should be kept clear. Do you
agree with this? We recently
planted an orange tree in the
center of our backyard - from
a visual perspective, it seems
to make sense there. Should
we move it?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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