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Elements, directions & colours Part 4

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What happens when you've got a situation where you have a thing which has different elements for each of its different properties: e.g. a green triangle (wood/fire)
or a tall, rectangular piece of wood painted red (wood/fire)?
Can you increase the effectiveness of something by combining multiple properties in the one object - e.g. a cube shaped (with SOFT corners and edges) rock that is yellowish/earth coloured, in the centre of the house - thus combining four 'earth'-like properties - shape, element, colour and location.

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Dear Fraser,
(This is not directed towards your message).
I like to highlight that colours and its symbolish are secondary to Feng
What is more important is to get the basics correct especially the following
1. Under the Shapes and Form School, it is best that the site enjoys good
Feng Shui e.g. under the Four symbolic Animals Concept etc...
2. Under the Flying Star, there are no bad influences and if so, do correct
3. Any adverse sha or pointed arrows pointing towards your main entrance
door or windows.
The above are the main influences of Feng Shui.
The rest like clothing etc... are secondary.
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed 'feng-shui-tips' suppressed>
Date: Friday, July 23, 1999 11:06 AM
Subject: Elements, directions & colours Part 4

From: "Fraser Caldwell"
This message is sent from "feng-shui-tips" Mailing List.
What happens when you've got a situation where you have a thing which has
different elements for each of its different properties: e.g. a green
triangle (wood/fire)
or a tall, rectangular piece of wood painted red (wood/fire)?
Can you increase the effectiveness of something by combining multiple
properties in the one object - e.g. a cube shaped (with SOFT corners and
edges) rock that is yellowish/earth coloured, in the centre of the house -
thus combining four 'earth'-like properties - shape, element, colour and



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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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