myfs_109351 Posted January 20, 2005 Share Posted January 20, 2005 Hi,Your moving house ritual is more suitable for a house that has things like the lights or stove. If I am opening the house of a EMPTY unit, what should I do ? There is no lights to turn on , no stove to boil water.What should we do for opening the house door for the 1st time to an EMPTY house ?Qibin Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 20, 2005 Staff Share Posted January 20, 2005 Dear Qibin, Actually, there was a previous posting or postings of the initial opening of the door. Since there are diverse dialect group, I have included the most common practises. In general, if we analsyse all the actions to be taken, they are symbolic of "sowing" wealth into a home. For your benefit, please see below:- Initial Opening of the door for the first timefficeffice" /> If we analyse all the various Chinese customs, all `rituals? or process performed is symbolic of "throwing wealth" into the home.For example, ffice:smarttags" />Singapore has one of the largest population of Hokkiens (from Fujian Province, China).THE PINEAPPLEThus, pineapple in Hokkien sounds like " Ong Lye " or "Ong" prosperity.In general, many Hokkiens were told to roll in a pineapple into the home. Thus rolling in of a pineapple or "Ong" (Prosperity) sounds like rolling in LUCK into the home!Depending on one's dialect group, there are various other "Jumping in" or "throwing in" process. As mentioned above, all these have to do with the idea of throwing in "luck" into one's home.Just remember that the idea, here is to "roll" not "fly-in" the pineapple. It would be considered very inauspicious if one throws it too hard; where the pineapple simply rolls to the balcony and flys off the home. Here, one's wealth just fly-out of the window. Hows this for bad luck?Therefore, if possible, try to roll it into the home gently. It would be great if it rolls to the "centre" area of the home. Here, wealth will spread to all other rooms.RICEYes, as mentioned above, since the stable food of the Chinese is rice, than it is natural to go into the home and sprinkle (scatter) rice all around the various rooms of the home. (REMEMBER AGAIN: Don't spill it out of the window).GREEN BEANSBuy a small packet of green beans. Green symbolise the East or rising sun. And again scattering green beans in the home is also symbolic of seeding the home (symbolic of having growth of wealth or of children). The remainder of the green beans can be placed in a small container with cotton wool. This container can be placed at the living room area before the balcony area. Water is added to this cotton wool with some green beans. Let the green beans sprout for a few days before throwing it away. SALTEspecially if the house is a second-hand one, often, salt is sprinkled around the home to supposely cleanse away bad qi or old qi. Salt is also sprinkled in the toilet. For a new home or apartment? Salt is corrosive. And for a new home, it is not advised to sprinkle salt especially in the bedrooms because of the teak or parquet floor tiles. Water reacting with salt on the new parquet floor tiles may just damage it."Huat Quay" or Rising CakeSome Hokkiens like to bring in this cake. As the Hokkien term "Huat" suggests, it means "prosper". And bringing in this item is symbolic of rise or raise.(Most often, this is brought in during the selection of the move-in date.) I have attached a brief description of what to do during an actual move-in. As opposed to this "getting" the key stage.Some of the procedures mentioned under the attached doc file is often performed during the actual move-in.But, some Chinese prefer to do it during the "getting the key" or first day. While others do it during the actual move-in date.Since your parent suggested "pineapple", I believe, that one of your parents must be a Hokkien. Anyway Hokkiens are more "Ching Chye" or more easy going.Frankly, one do not need to perform this ritual so often. E.g. getting the key stage, move-in stage. As it would seem quite repetitive and not so meaningful. Anyway, if one is the "Kiasu" (scared to lose type) or the "Kiasee" (or die, cannot lose type). there is no harm if one does this all over again and again.THE CANTONESE DIALECT GROUPSome Cantonese like to bring in all a combination of 5 type of fruits e.g. Mandarin Oranges or ordinary Sunkist oranges (which to the Cantonese "KUM" means gold); Other fruits can include 5 red apples, a bunch of bananas (no. of bananas not important), etc... And they each fruit should number = 5 fruits. For example, 5 oranges, 5 red apples etc?The Cantonese like to buy a new charcoal stove, light it up, and boil water on it; But usually, for the Cantonese, actually, this is often done DURING THE MOVE-IN DATE. Where, they would jump over the stove (without getting hurt) into the house.THE RELIGIOUS INCLINEDMany of those who are taoists, often pray to all the gods at the four corners of their new home. And they offer, incense, burn joss paper etc... This therefore depends on your religious inclinations. If one is a free thinker etc... skip this step.VARIOUS CHINESE DIALECT GROUPAs mentioned above, there are so many separate Chinese dialect groups.But as I had mentioned earlier, if we can focus on the "process" they are:1. Each dialect group likes to bring in something that "sounds-like" - prosperity, bring them good luck, raise, promotion or "gold" into their home.2. The throwing-in is symbolic of throwing wealth into the home. SWEEPING THE FLOOR CAUTION: Where possible, avoid sweeping the floor on the same day as doing the above ritual! It is best to sweep the floor only after 3 days of doing the above ritual. (As a last resort, the next day is still possible but never on the same day!). Quote On 1/20/2005 12:00:53 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hi,Your moving house ritual ismore suitable for a house thathas things like the lights orstove.If I am opening the house of aEMPTY unit, what should I do ?There is no lights to turn on, no stove to boil water.What should we do for openingthe house door for the 1sttime to an EMPTY house ?Qibin Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 10, 2010 Staff Share Posted August 10, 2010 First-time-open door procedure:- Green beans sprouting symbolise growth! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 31, 2010 Staff Share Posted October 31, 2010 More pictures of germinating green beans... Quote On 8/10/2010 9:35:21 PM, Anonymous wrote:First-time-open doorprocedure:- Green beanssprouting symbolise growth! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 21, 2011 Staff Share Posted March 21, 2011 Another successful sprout! Quote On 10/31/2010 7:20:17 PM, Anonymous wrote:More pictures of germinating greenbeans... On 8/10/2010 9:35:21 PM, CecilLee wrote:First-time-open doorprocedure:- Green beanssprouting symbolise growth! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_150641 Posted August 2, 2011 Share Posted August 2, 2011 Hi Mr. Lee,After rolling in pineapple and putting huat kueh and planting bean sprout, when do we remove the 3 items and what do we do with it? Do we just throw it away?Thanks Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 2, 2011 Staff Share Posted August 2, 2011 These are some considerations:1. Items Pineapple and Huat Kueh (Fa Gao)1.1. Bottom of the instructions will indicate that these should preferably be removed after the third day i.e. on the fourth day.1.2. Especially for those flooring is completed and such as marble or granite; should always bring along a container to place the pineapple. Why? This is commonsense. Some over ripe pineapple, may ooze their juice and it could STAIN expensive marble or porous granite tiles....1.3. For all these items; they may / could be eaten or thrown away... (if not appertising then commonsense says throw them away)... never given away e.g. to the workers.. as symbolically this is akin to giving away one's wealth. 1.4 Thus "unfortunately" more often than not, they are thrown away) .. not left below a tree for the dogs or cats... or rats or cockroaches... Singapore is suppose to be a "beggar" free country so.. no issues with this group of people ...2. Germinating bean sprout...2.1 This has more to do with commonsense. 2.2 If one is not starting renovations soon or not moving in to a completed home, can leave the germinating bean sprout but if visiting the home remember to "water" it ... 2.3. Since this is a vegetable and not a plant; often vegetables can only last 1 to 2 weeks the most. Commonsense says that don't expect it to sprout into a tree! 2.4. Since it is non-lasting, after 1 or 2 weeks; throw it away. So far, I have yet come across any silly fool who had brought it home or to their parents to "fry Cha Keow Teow" with it. There is always a first, if anyone wants to do so... But don't say the idea, came from, here. Quote On 8/2/2011 10:49:13 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hi Mr. Lee,After rolling inpineapple and putting huatkueh and planting bean sprout,when do we remove the 3 itemsand what do we do with it? Dowe just throw it away?Thanks Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 13, 2011 Staff Share Posted September 13, 2011 This has to be one of the most beautiful "bouquet" of spouting green beans.Courtesy of a client: who recently obtained his keys at the DBSS Block 588 (a/b/c/d) Ang Mo Kio St 52 apartment...beautiful...What a lucky start! Quote On 8/2/2011 7:11:35 PM, Anonymous wrote:These are some considerations:1. ItemsPineapple and Huat Kueh (Fa Gao)1.1.Bottom of the instructions will indicatethat these should preferably be removedafter the third day i.e. on the fourthday.1.2. Especially for those flooringis completed and such as marble orgranite; should always bring along acontainer to place the pineapple. Why?This is commonsense. Some over ripepineapple, may ooze their juice and itcould STAIN expensive marble or porousgranite tiles....1.3. For all theseitems; they may / could be eaten orthrown away... (if not appertising thencommonsense says throw them away)...never given away e.g. to the symbolically this is akin to givingaway one's wealth. 1.4 Thus"unfortunately" more often than not,they are thrown away) .. not left belowa tree for the dogs or cats... or ratsor cockroaches... Singapore is supposeto be a "beggar" free country so.. noissues with this group of people ...2.Germinating bean sprout...2.1 This hasmore to do with commonsense. 2.2 If oneis not starting renovations soon or notmoving in to a completed home, can leavethe germinating bean sprout but ifvisiting the home remember to "water" it... 2.3. Since this is a vegetable andnot a plant; often vegetables can onlylast 1 to 2 weeks the most. Commonsensesays that don't expect it to sprout intoa tree! 2.4. Since it is non-lasting,after 1 or 2 weeks; throw it away. Sofar, I have yet come across any sillyfool who had brought it home or to theirparents to "fry Cha Keow Teow" with it.There is always a first, if anyone wantsto do so... But don't say the idea, camefrom, here. On 8/2/2011 10:49:13 AM,Jeffrey Yeo wrote:Hi Mr. Lee,Afterrolling inpineapple and puttinghuatkueh and planting bean sprout,when do we remove the 3 itemsand what do we do with it? Dowejust throw it away?Thanks Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 6, 2011 Staff Share Posted October 6, 2011 If the previous photos were nice;Just take a look at this new photos! This has to be the all time or MOTHER OF ALL beautiful bouquet of spouting green beans! Quote On 9/13/2011 1:39:30 PM, Anonymous wrote:This has to be one of the most beautiful"bouquet" of spouting greenbeans.Courtesy of a client: who recentlyobtained his keys at the DBSS Block 588(a/b/c/d) Ang Mo Kio St 52apartment...beautiful...What a luckystart!On 8/2/2011 7:11:35 PM, Cecil Leewrote:These are someconsiderations:1. ItemsPineappleand Huat Kueh (Fa Gao)1.1.Bottom ofthe instructions will indicatethatthese should preferably be removedafter the third day i.e. on thefourthday.1.2. Especially for thoseflooringis completed and such asmarble orgranite; should alwaysbring along acontainer to place thepineapple. Why?This is commonsense.Some over ripepineapple, may oozetheir juice and itcould STAINexpensive marble or porousgranitetiles....1.3. For all theseitems;they may / could be eaten orthrownaway... (if not appertising thencommonsense says throw them away)...never given away e.g. to symbolically this isakin to givingaway one's wealth.1.4 Thus"unfortunately" more oftenthan not,they are thrown away) ..not left belowa tree for the dogsor cats... or ratsor cockroaches...Singapore is supposeto be a"beggar" free country so.. noissueswith this group of people ...2.Germinating bean sprout...2.1 Thishasmore to do with commonsense. 2.2If oneis not starting renovationssoon or notmoving in to a completedhome, can leavethe germinating beansprout but ifvisiting the homeremember to "water" it... 2.3.Since this is a vegetable andnot aplant; often vegetables can onlylast 1 to 2 weeks the most.Commonsensesays that don't expectit to sprout intoa tree! 2.4. Sinceit is non-lasting,after 1 or 2weeks; throw it away. Sofar, I haveyet come across any sillyfool whohad brought it home or to theirparents to "fry Cha Keow Teow" withit.There is always a first, ifanyone wantsto do so... But don'tsay the idea, camefrom, here. On8/2/2011 10:49:13 AM,Jeffrey Yeowrote:Hi Mr. Lee,Afterrollinginpineapple and puttinghuatkueh and planting bean sprout,when do we remove the 3 itemsand what do we do with it? Dowejust throw it away?Thanks Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 21, 2011 Staff Share Posted October 21, 2011 If there is a competition or contest to see who has the best bouquet of sprouting green beans; these two different bouquets got to be also considered as a front runner in the competition.Please note that there are two sets of photos. The 3 photos with the red base belong to a different set of bouquet of sprouting green beans..Enjoy the photos... Quote On 10/6/2011 9:25:33 PM, Anonymous wrote:If the previous photos were nice;Justtake a look at this new photos! This hasto be the all time or MOTHER OF ALLbeautiful bouquet of spouting greenbeans!On 9/13/2011 1:39:30 PM, Cecil Leewrote:This has to be one of themost beautiful"bouquet" of spoutinggreenbeans.Courtesy of a client:who recentlyobtained his keys atthe DBSS Block 588(a/b/c/d) Ang MoKio St 52apartment...beautiful...What a luckystart!On 8/2/2011 7:11:35 PM, CecilLeewrote:These are someconsiderations:1. ItemsPineappleand Huat Kueh (FaGao)1.1.Bottom oftheinstructions will indicatethatthese should preferably be removedafter the third day i.e. on thefourthday.1.2. Especially forthoseflooringis completed andsuch asmarble orgranite;should alwaysbring along acontainer to place thepineapple. Why?This iscommonsense.Some over ripepineapple, may oozetheir juiceand itcould STAINexpensivemarble or porousgranitetiles....1.3. For all theseitems;they may / could be eatenorthrownaway... (if notappertising thencommonsensesays throw them away)...nevergiven away e.g. to symbolically this isakin togivingaway one's wealth.1.4Thus"unfortunately" more oftenthan not,they are thrown away)..not left belowa tree for thedogsor cats... or ratsorcockroaches...Singapore is supposeto be a"beggar" free countryso.. noissueswith this groupof people ...2.Germinating beansprout...2.1 Thishasmore to dowith commonsense. 2.2If oneisnot starting renovationssoon or notmoving in to a completedhome,can leavethe germinating beansprout but ifvisiting the homeremember to "water" it... 2.3.Since this is a vegetable andnot aplant; often vegetablescan onlylast 1 to 2 weeks themost.Commonsensesays thatdon't expectit to sprout intoatree! 2.4. Sinceit is non-lasting,after 1 or 2weeks; throw itaway. Sofar, I haveyet comeacross any sillyfool whohadbrought it home or to theirparents to "fry Cha Keow Teow"withit.There is always afirst, ifanyone wantsto doso... But don'tsay the idea, camefrom, here. On8/2/2011 10:49:13AM,Jeffrey Yeowrote:HiMr. Lee,Afterrollinginpineapple and puttinghuatkueh and planting bean sprout,when do we remove the 3itemsand what do we do withit? Dowejust throw itaway?Thanks Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 30, 2011 Staff Share Posted November 30, 2011 Sprouting Green Beans.. getting better and better? Quote On 10/21/2011 8:17:23 AM, Anonymous wrote:If there is a competition or contest tosee who has the best bouquet ofsprouting green beans; these twodifferent bouquets got to be alsoconsidered as a front runner in thecompetition.Please note that there aretwo sets of photos. The 3 photos withthe red base belong to a different setof bouquet of sprouting greenbeans..Enjoy the photos...On 10/6/20119:25:33 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:If theprevious photos were nice;Justtakea look at this new photos! This hasto be the all time or MOTHER OF ALLbeautiful bouquet of spouting greenbeans!On 9/13/2011 1:39:30 PM, CecilLeewrote:This has to be one ofthemost beautiful"bouquet" ofspoutinggreenbeans.Courtesy ofa client:who recentlyobtainedhis keys atthe DBSS Block 588(a/b/c/d) Ang MoKio St 52apartment...beautiful...What aluckystart!On 8/2/2011 7:11:35PM, CecilLeewrote:Theseare someconsiderations:1. ItemsPineappleand Huat Kueh (FaGao)1.1.Bottom oftheinstructions will indicatethatthese should preferably beremovedafter the third dayi.e. on thefourthday.1.2.Especially forthoseflooringis completed andsuch asmarble orgranite;shouldalwaysbring along acontainer to place thepineapple. Why?This iscommonsense.Some over ripepineapple, may oozetheirjuiceand itcould STAINexpensivemarble or porousgranitetiles....1.3. Forall theseitems;they may /could be eatenorthrownaway... (if notappertising thencommonsensesays throw themaway)...nevergiven awaye.g. to theworkers..assymbolically this isakin togivingaway one's wealth.1.4Thus"unfortunately"more oftenthan not,theyare thrown away)..not leftbelowa tree for thedogsorcats... or ratsorcockroaches...Singapore issupposeto be a"beggar"free countryso.. noissueswith this groupof people ...2.Germinating beansprout...2.1 Thishasmoreto dowith commonsense. 2.2Ifoneisnot starting renovationssoon or notmoving in to acompletedhome,can leavethe germinating beansproutbut ifvisiting the homeremember to "water" it...2.3.Since this is a vegetableandnot aplant; oftenvegetablescan onlylast 1to 2 weeks themost.Commonsensesays thatdon't expectit tosprout intoatree! 2.4. Sinceit is non-lasting,after 1or 2weeks; throw itaway. Sofar, I haveyet comeacrossany sillyfool whohadbrought it home or to theirparents to "fry Cha KeowTeow"withit.There isalways afirst, ifanyone wantsto doso... But don'tsaythe idea, camefrom, here. On8/2/2011 10:49:13AM,Jeffrey Yeowrote:HiMr. Lee,Afterrollinginpineapple and puttinghuatkueh and planting beansprout,when do weremove the 3itemsandwhat do we do withit? Dowejust throw itaway?Thanks Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 11, 2013 Staff Share Posted February 11, 2013 Anothervery successful sprouting of greens!To usher in the New Year! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 31, 2015 Staff Share Posted May 31, 2015 Another nice: sprouting green beans Quote On 2/11/2013 4:46:59 AM, Anonymous wrote:Anothervery successfulsprouting of greens!Tousher in the New Year! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 28, 2016 Staff Share Posted October 28, 2016 Fair Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 30, 2017 Staff Share Posted April 30, 2017 Tall and thin Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 13, 2017 Staff Share Posted May 13, 2017 An extra large version... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 20, 2017 Staff Share Posted July 20, 2017 Question: "Hi , sorry for disturbing again. For the sleep over night, may I check from what time to what time should we be there? As i heard people said differently about what time to be considered sleep over" Reply: Can argue until the cows come home. There is really no right or wrong on this. The key is: "Sleep OVER-night one night" is considered as moved-in. What time to be there? Anytime before 2359HRS. Usually, what makes sense is spent an evening there. (and from there onwards till next morning). Really, no written "bible" on such things. More to common sense. Can ask a 1,000 people, and you may get a thousand answers. No right or wrong. Pure common sense. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 18, 2018 Staff Share Posted January 18, 2018 Creativity at work... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 9, 2024 Staff Share Posted August 9, 2024 AUSPICIOUS DATES FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS Please visit 30 Days Auspicious Date for ONE or TWO Person(s) - FengShui.Geomancy.Net +++ Related: Non-Religious Chinese Customs For New Re-Sale Home Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 9, 2024 Staff Share Posted August 9, 2024 25th Anniversary in 2019 How can we help you today? GET EXPERT HELP: IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS TODAY Comprehensive Home Package [A.]: On-site or [B.]: Off-site for HDB / Condo / EC & Landed Properties for New/Re-Sale House or facing financial/ marriage/ relationship/ health issues Do you offer a 1 visit On-site audit? How much? " As much as we see, has great web presence built up over the years and is seen as one of the SG market leaders in residential house audit. " Success starts with good Feng Shui Transparent Pricing & No Hidden Costs. No Purchase of Products. Cecil Lee, +65 9785-3171 / House Hunting? We will help you select the most auspicious unit! Learn More The Experts in House Hunting Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 9, 2024 Staff Share Posted August 9, 2024 BEWARE OF THIS AGE-OLD FENG SHUI SCAM 1. Some Singapore Feng Shui Masters, particularly those with ancestral connections, operate under the guise of a Feng Shui Store. 2. They often choose to give their store an appealing name such as "Lifestyle Living." BEWARE OF THIS AGE-OLD FENG SHUI SCAM No wonder, Feng Shui suffers from a bad reputation, today Many Feng Shui Masters are a Feng Shui Store. Their core business is not authentic Feng Shui. But rather making big bucks by selling lots of useless commercial products in the name of Feng Shui. Please give me a good reason not to buy such products. Here's one: Okay, the above was written prior to the knowledge of COV-19. Here’s to another reason, why. Many Feng Shui Masters and their shops are FAKES! On Saturday, 14 March 2020, a WhatsApp from a past client P.S. Frankly, I was just being extremely polite. Actually if one got the hint, as the British always say just throw the "bloody" thing away! ASK! MUST I BUY FROM YOU? When the buying Stops! The selling Can! Yes! Ask: "Must I buy from YOU?" Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 9, 2024 Staff Share Posted August 9, 2024 Numerous practitioners of Feng Shui are essentially salespeople masquerading as Feng Shui experts, solely focused on pushing products and maximizing profits. Ask: Must I buy from YOU? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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