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Eight House vs. Main Door Location


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Master Lee,

Please refresh my knowledge again. The Eight House has North location as the main door. What if the home's main door faces any of the other locations (ie, West, Northeast, etc)? How do you determine the bad and good locations in this regard?


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Dear Fely,

Fely Aquino wrote:
Please refresh my knowledge again. The Eight House has North location as the main door. What if the home's main door faces any of the other locations (ie, West, Northeast, etc)? How do you determine the bad and good locations in this regard?

The facing of the house you should determine by our facing direction rule set:-

1. Landed Property - ie facing of the house itself. Depends on the orientation of the house itself.

2. Apartment (2nd level - 7th level) - ie main door of the house as your facing direction of the house

3. Apartment (8th level and up) - ie living room or balcony as your facing directiondirection.

This will be the facing of house. A house can say face East but the main door can be found on the North-East etc.

The next is the superimposing of the Eight House chart over the layout plan. You just need to orientate the chart's North direction to the true North direction for your home. Then the various sectors of the eight house will fall exactly in place.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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