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Kitchen next to the main entrance


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Dear Sophia,

Sophia Chia wrote:
As toilet is not an ideal location next to the main entrance. If the kitchen location is next to the main entrance but there isn't toilet attached to it.. Is it okay.

Generally, the reason why toilet next to the main door is the more major concern are two factors:-

1. The toilet bowl is where largest amount of waste and water leaks out of the house.

2. The toilet is also dirty and tends to have bad smell. So logically, if it is near your main door, even when guest enter into the house they will have to pass by the toilet, which isn't really that nice smell nor good. So imagine Qi enter into the house, the first thing is it is dirtied by the air from the toilet. How good is it?

The kitchen is less of an issue as it is not really a dirty location, though I see where you are coming from where the kitchen as sink which might also have wealth leak. But on the other hand, the Kitchen does not just contain the sink, it also have the stove which provides for the family. So if it is located at the main door and it is a good location, you will be having not just a good house facing but a good kitchen location which symbolise wealth.

So kitchen in generally cannot be compared in the same way as a toilet. As such, there is no real concern about a kitchen to be located near the front door as compared to a toilet.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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