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hello master,

Excuse me if this letter is long,but I really need advice.I've done a flying star chart for my home according to the front of home,the yang side of home.I've come up with a sw 1 home in period 6,but here is where I think I get mixed up.In another book they say to build flying star chart according to the enviromental factor,(mountainside,waterside.green dragon and white tiger).If I use enviremental factor to build flying star chart it seems to be the facing is in the back of home,but we have no door there and very few windows.We have flat open land at NE,mountain form at SE and other mountain form at SW but the mountain is further away ,there is our driveway there atSW front door ,windowsand the gravel road which runs from West to SW curves at South to continue SE.and East.I would dearly appr?ciate any input according to your exp?rience with this kind of delemme.I would like to be able to capture the best QI possible and rearrange the int?rior accordingly.Thank you!

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Dear Wanama,

Wanama Thefirst wrote:
Excuse me if this letter is long,but I really need advice.I've done a flying star chart for my home according to the front of home,the yang side of home.I've come up with a sw 1 home in period 6,but here is where I think I get mixed up.In another book they say to build flying star chart according to the enviromental factor,(mountainside,waterside.green dragon and white tiger).If I use enviremental factor to build flying star chart it seems to be the facing is in the back of home,but we have no door there and very few windows.We have flat open land at NE,mountain form at SE and other mountain form at SW but the mountain is further away ,there is our driveway there atSW front door ,windowsand the gravel road which runs from West to SW curves at South to continue SE.and East.I would dearly appr?ciate any input according to your exp?rience with this kind of delemme.I would like to be able to capture the best QI possible and rearrange the int?rior accordingly.Thank you!

The application of Flying Star is very flexible depending on your overall objectives.

1. The most common objective is to assess the interior of the house (ie for best furniture arrangement, colour scheme for each room, water features etc. So in such cases, you are looking for where is your main door frontage etc. Such as the most common way:-

ie. Apartment (2nd - 7th level), you take the main door
ie. Apartment (8 level & up), you take the living room/balcony
ie. Landed Property, you take the facing of the building

This already allows you to assess the interior home luck as well some of the external surrounding.

2. The other method you mentioned based on the book you read, is focused on like the sitemap/plot of land view which is used more on a greater level of assessing one plot of land compared to another. So it is uses it slightly different purpose.

3. In general, unless you are checking two different location to see which is better, then you can consider using that surrounding assessment just to see which is better using the method in para 2.

4. Otherwise, most of the users already bought the home, and will be more interested in correcting or improving your existing home, thus the most important factor will be using the method in para 1.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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