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Why pataling Jaya so famous


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Dear Anon,
I believe, Patalying Jaya refers to the area near or around Kualau Lumpur (the Capital of Malaysia). Malaysia's Cyber Hub is located around this location. Perhaps, this is why you may have heard of it.
I am not sure if the spelling is correct or my description exact. But overall you can consider it as a location within Kualau Lumpur.
Personally, there is not much significance in the area as compared to Penang, also a `district' of Malaysia where predominantly Chinese stay. You can treat Kualau Lumpur or Penang as equvalent of the definition such as
Texas, New York in USA. But these locations are much smaller.
If you are staying in Malaysia, perhaps can provide more details or share with us the comments made by Anon.
Warmest Regards,
P.S. By the way, Singapore is located South of Malaysia.

On 9/21/99 1:47:03 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
what is pataling jaya. I have
come across
this in so many books. Is it a
mall or a shopping complex.
How it is connected to feng
shui. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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