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Dear Master Cecil

Thanks for your efforts and valuable tips on Feng Shui which indeed would be helping all believers in this wonderful science.

Please advice me: My kua no is 3. Now I am living in a rented house no 24 facing SW direction.

I likely to shift to a new house bearing no 60 ( SW ) or 29 ( SE ).Can you please advice me to opt for which one. I do not have any other option to shift.

Warm regards

Vijay kumar malik

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Dear Vijay,

Vijay kumar Malik wrote:
Please advice me: My kua no is 3. Now I am living in a rented house no 24 facing SW direction.

Vijay kumar Malik wrote:
I likely to shift to a new house bearing no 60 ( SW ) or 29 ( SE ).Can you please advice me to opt for which one. I do not have any other option to shift.

If you are a Gua (Kua) 3, then South-East is better as it is your longevity, compared to South-West (Disaster). Given, there is no other option, then South-East would be the more suitable of the two directions given an East group person.

Generally, for East facing group person, the best houses especially if the house is built after 2004 (Period 8), would be a South/East facing house. If for house built between 1984-2003 (Period 7), would be a North/South facing house in general. These direction have the best feng shui qi for the flying star chart as well as being suitable to your eight house direction.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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