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Bamboo in front of house


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Hello sir!
My relative read form a Feng shui book that bamboo is bad in front of the house. Im asking because we have a glass etched with bamboo in front of our house. Is it bad?
Also, we have 4 big black pillars in front of the same house. Is it also bad?
Another thing. our house number is 112. The total of this is 4. Is it bad?
What should I do if they are bad?
Thank you very much!!
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Dear Dino Mateo,

Dino Mateo wrote:
Hello sir! My relative read form a Feng shui book that bamboo is bad in front of the house. Im asking because we have a glass etched with bamboo in front of our house. Is it bad?

Generally, bamboo are thin and long and it also grows very fast. So few things can happen. Because thin and long it can also act like a sharp lamppost which can cut into the house. If too many and too much it forms like a mountain (which isn't good for the frontage which should be clear). Also, too many and not well taken care off, it can get very dirty and messy. So it is not the most ideal plant to have.

So that is the general problem. But if since yours is the glass etched with bamboo drawing, this would be different. And should be ok.

Dino Mateo wrote:
Also, we have 4 big black pillars in front of the same house. Is it also bad?

As for the pillars. As long as it does not cuts into the living room and main door, it should be ok. What you do not want it long poles that cuts into the house which will create sha qi.

Dino Mateo wrote:
Another thing. our house number is 112. The total of this is 4. Is it bad? What should I do if they are bad? Thank you very much!!

As for numbers, there are really many many different ways to look at an auspicious number. I mean the good thing is that the base number does not have 4 which would sound like die (cantonese). So for most chinese, they won't like to buy houses with the number 4.

As for the total adding up the 4. Under our lucky Kua/Gua number point of view. If you belong to Kua 4, then it is deemed an auspicious number for you. If not, then it isn't.

So there are really many ways to look at it. So I won't worry too much about it. The location of your house and house layout is often the more important aspect to consider. House number is secondary. Often it may affect future re-sale value if the number contains like 4 etc. Otherwise, it has minimum impact.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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Dear Eunice Mummy,

hi,iheard bamboo is good in feng shui soibrought a pot of artificial bamboo( about 7 feet)and some plants to be placearound it, the exact position i placed is facing the main door.Is that all right ? Please advise

Generally, if you see when you stand at your main door looking out, then it may pose as a problem if it the plant is on it's own as it may be like a lone tree/lamppost.

However, if the plants you place around it break the shape of the bamboo so that it is no longer a lone lone sharp thin bamboo, then it should be ok. For example, if you placed many many plants together as a group, then even if there is a bamboo, it looks more like a bunch of trees/plants rather than lone plant. If that is the case, then should be no issue.

The problem we are worried about is not to have any lone sharp tree/lamppost that may cut into the house. It is thissha qi that you want to avoid.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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