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Bedroom in the wrong direction

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My husband is in the west group. His kua number is 2.

Our master bedroom and an attached bathroom fall in the north direction. The room and hte bathroom color are blue. This appears to be a really bad position to be in. Is there anything we can do rather than move.?

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1. Frankly, the are not the only "lone-souls" on this earth that "face" this situation.

2. In many past (previous) messages... I had mentioned that if we are applying Feng Shui:-


2.2 What most of us can do is to: try to maximise the qi in a home or to neutralise (preventive cure) poison arrows or bad qi.

3. Many of us have taken one form of school examinations. Thus, for example, many of us have come across an examination where we were suppose to answer e.g. 5 questions out of a total of 100 marks. Thus each question is 20 marks each.

4. And in our examination technique, many teachers have recommended to their students to allocate time to answer each question. Thus if we were given 2 hours 30 minutes to answer 5 questions, we should start to answer a new question every 30 minutes or earlier. No point in answering just 4 questions, instead of trying to answer 5 questions. Here, we may fail the exam by answering just 3 or 4 questions.

The same thing is for Feng Shui. If the bedroom is not suitable, this is not Doomsday or end of day senario. Try our best to "maximise" our Feng Shui marks.

R A. wrote:

My husband is in the west group. His kua number is 2.

Our master bedroom and an attached bathroom fall in the north direction. The room and hte bathroom color are blue. This appears to be a really bad position to be in. Is there anything we can do rather than move.?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. As mentioned previously, there is no perfect home.

2. The only way to maximize is :

2.1 If literally, "there is a brick wall blocking us, no matter how hard we bang our head against this wall, this wall will not collapse."

2.2 For certain issues or concerns and if we cannot change our environment; we may have to maximize beneifits from elsewhere. For example, fix other leaks in the home.

2.3 The common problem with many people is that instead of fixing this orOTHER leaks, they may be swayed into believing to purchase lots of products - which benefit mostly the seller.

3. Thus, inpast messages, I feel that we should try to maximize our total score much like taking an examination paper. Liketrying to answer the compulsory 5 out of 10 questions. Instead of spending so much time on just 2 or4 questions but skipping the last question.

R A. wrote:
Thankyou. Can you please offer any tips for maximizing the benefits?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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