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Will mirrors make a sector disappear?


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Dear Leslie,
Traditional Feng Shui is about Yin and Yang. Further down the chain, on the next level is the Five Elements concept.
1. For example, a normal mirror is considered a `Yin' object.
2. Mirrors are known to be able to bounce Qi (or Ch'i energy).
For concepts like the Eight Aspirations / Eight Associations, this is one of the `lowest' or least important aspect in Feng Shui.
One reason for saying this is because it is too general a theory as it does not apply to a specific group of person but to nearly everyone.
Imagine, if everyone in the same company or for the matter the whole country tries to enhance their `Career' sector what would be the result like?
Unlike the Eight Aspirations or Life Aspirations / Associations, the Eight House Theory on the other hand do take into account a person's personal Gua (Kua) number.
Unlike the Shapes and Form School which is easier to apply and most of the time visual to us, the Compass Schools such as Eight House and Flying Star uses some formulas. The Eight Aspirations uses none.
Only if one has applied the Shapes and Forms, Compass School methods and is really too free or have the luxury, can go enhance their `careers' sector only after the above are done.
The proper way to analyse whether the mirror is used at a specific location is to:
1. Apply the Flying Star Theory. If the location at the North is inauspicious, placing a mirror will bounce back twice the bad luck.
2. Avoid placing the mirror facing the bed.
3. As mirrors are yin, avoid placing it at a Yin location which may inadvertently increase the Yin environment.
Warmest Regards,
Warmest Regards,

On 10/14/99 7:42:57 AM, Anonymous wrote:
If mirrors, make a sector
disappear, what happens to the
energy. If I put a mirror in
my career sector, North,
would, my career disappear?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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