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Is the #2 and #5 stars bad stars during period 6?


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Hello again Master Lee,
In a period 6 house or even period 7 house, is the #2 and #5 also bad stars during these past periods? Is #2 already considered illness star and #5 considered 5 yellow star during period 6 and period 7?
Also, just curious, once period 9 starts in 2025 (yes, I know it's still a long long way off), will #8 become an unlucky/bad star? Just like what happened to #7 which was lucky during period 7 but became a unlucky/star during period 8?
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1. Please note that under ALL periods #2 and #5 are always considered bad stars with the EXCEPTION that:-

1.1 Under Period 2 : Since the reigning number is #2 for this period, #2 will turn good for that specific 20 years. But usually from past experience; especially the last few years of the decline of say period 2, better watch out for #2 also as it will slowly "turned bad".

1.2 Similiarly, only under Period 5, will #5 "turn good". In some periods, it may be good if it becomes one of the "future" or "future, future prosperity" stars as mentioned under Para 2, below.

2. From past messages, I have mentioned:-

3. Under current period 8 (1984 to 2023), the three "critical" wealth stars are:

#8 = current prosperity ( 0 to roughly 2 years luck range)
#9 = future prosperity (2 to 5 years luck)
#1 = future, future prosperity (5 to 10 years luck)

4. From 2024 onwards to the next 20 years, #9 takes over as the current prosperity star:

#9 = current prosperity
#1 = future prosperity
#2 = future, futureprosperity (Thus under 2024 onwards, #2 becomes the future, future prosperity star)

Please note that "earth elements" are always there in every season. Thus between seasons, earth element becomes strong.

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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. Earth element is abundant and is always "there" in every season i.e. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

2. Roughly, when spring is near it's end, earth element is suppose to be at it's strongest and this cycle appears at the end of summer, autumn etc..

3. Although #2 is considered as the future prosperity, in a proper Flying star chart, all three variables need to be considered i.e. Mountain, Water and Base star.

4. Flying star Feng Shui is based on time dimensions. And while realistically, we can only analyse sectors in general for the next 20 years "average". There are so called: Yearly, Monthly, Daily, Hourly stars. Thus a sector may suddenly find itself with #2 or #5 or even being inflamed by #9 in any of the above combinations.

5. The most sickning stars are #2 and #5 (of course others include #3 and #7). But these two already condemn us especiallywith illness (sickness!)

6. During the last period #7 (1984 to 2003): #7 "became auspicious" and now it becomes "theft or robbery" - can be theft or rob our luck not necessarily there is higher incidence of theft or robbery!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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